
YHC went to a multi faith prayer vigil at Broughton high school with 2.1 in remembrance of those killed in the mass shooting in Christchurch New Zealand. One of the speakers was Farris Barakat, brother to Deah Shaddy Barakat, a second year dental student at UNC, who was murdered 2-10-15 at his home in Chapel Hill. Farris shared the story of the Muslim man, Daoud Nabi, at the mosque in Christchurch. [Read More]

Zero Burpees

Pre-Blast 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.5ish miles at FWD to do some work. YHC refused to call anything even closely resembling a burpee. YHC succeeded. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run up Cary Parkway to 64, cross the street, and run down to the medical plaza for some work. Before circling up, perform 40 Quick Feet, Paint the Lines, and 100 Curb Dips. Circle up for: GM, Windmills, Cotton Pickers … and SirFazios until YM gets tired. [Read More]

Bye Bye November

Scooped this one on Wednesday from Pet Sounds - and I was hoping to craft a workout that he would be proud of. Let’s see how we did… FNG Check - WE HAVE ONE! Disclaimer… during which I remembered the F3 Mission Statement, but not the fact that I’m not a professional. d’oops Head out toward the greenway 10 merkins OMD at the entrance to the greenway Head out and make a left toward the underpass. [Read More]

Pajama Party @ FWD

Little late here in writing this BB….sorry folks! Tuesday, 11/20. 17 HIMS met up at FWD for a morning full of fun, some, 1, still wearing Pajamas. But I am no fashion police. Quick intro to the PAX and we are off. WARMUP Quick jog from the parking lot, to the first playground. Dang its dark. First fail of the morning and we are only a minute in. I did a recon the day before and thought, why don’t we use this first playground? [Read More]

Did Yoga ask to run?

When: 11/27/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Hermes, Yoga, Ma, Goose, Titanic, LiteBrite, Term Paper, Hello Kitty, WKRP and Pet Sounds #DRP - check 10 HIM made the right decision to get out of the fartsack, and accelerate their F1 Go Time 0530 Warm Up mozy to the grocery parking lot Circle up for SSH, Merkins (wide, reg, diamond) Hill Bills, Imp Walkers Thang One: Mozy to short hill 7s star jumps and Merkins Thang Two: Mozy to Piney Pines Stop along the way for Irkins Mozy down hill Stop along the way for Dirkins Thang Three: Light Pole Burpees ascending Thang Four: Mozy to the Bridge 15x partner pull ups Mary Mozy back to the flag for Mary LBCs, LSFs, J-Lo’s Announcements & Prayer Requests [Read More]

Searching for Light and then we found the Hindenberg

It was a glorious morning at FWD. Build-a-Bear set out for a solo EC 4 miler at 4:50 while Chipper, Lite Brite & Yoga Mat set out for a nice fellowship 2 miler at 5:05. All were back to the flag at 5:30 to be joined by 8 other PAX and the 12 of us begin the search for light. Olsen was also there today but I can’t seem to find him on Slack. [Read More]

Light Posts Rocks

So it is another fine day in southern Cary and how else should we start other than with nice cold 5:30am exercise with 12 PAXs. Warm Up It was cold, well at least I was, so we ran from flag toward park and did two laps so we would not be too cold during warm up. Then we started with 12 Good Mornings because the Q was having trouble breathing and counting at the same time and did not know when to stop. [Read More]

Circle Burpee's finished off with a Lazy Dora

What other way would you welcome in 3 new FNG’s (Milton Bradley, Stetson and Meatloaf) but with some Circle Burpee’s and a Lazy Dora. Warmup 16 Good Mornings 16 Side Straddle Hops 16 LBC’s 16 Mountain Climbers Thang 1 We ran around the pickle with a mixture of karaoke and backward’s running to the corner of Cary Parkway. we proceed 1/2 way up the hill doing 5 merkins at each light pole. [Read More]

In the words of Jigglypuff "A Kingly VQ"

I almost spilled Merlot during my VQ. I knew I wanted my VQ to be the week of my 30th birthday and no better way to send Kyrie back off to Marine Pilot school than to try to give his Marine boot camp a run for it’s money (yeah right). Accomplishment Adrenaline. The Warm Up The Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey over to the FM parking lot for the warm up which included a little bit of Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Merkins and LBCs. [Read More]

Q-ing from the Sidelines

Flirting with Disaster was my first F3 post last August and I knew that I wanted my VQ to be here as well. It was a full circle as Joe Smith had his VQ at my first post and he was out there with us this morning. My goal was to cover some ground and avoid running in the pitch black (towards the bridge) as I didn’t know how may headlamps we would have amongst us. [Read More]