Go outside and warm-up...

… at least that’s the joke around our house lately. Our downstairs furnace hasn’t worked in almost two weeks, as some of you have heard me ‘vent’. The first replacement part didn’t arrive for a week, then they installed it wrong and it failed within a few hours. Now we’re waiting for a replacement for the part and the installer! I’m trying to be nice, but the M lost patience long ago. [Read More]

A Squatty Party

15 HIM of which 18 were Steve’s ( SixteenSteves + Ryder + Cataracts) were ready to move and warm-up. YHC has been dealing with some shoulder problems and needed to keep this Q below the pits. Having primed the Pax with the upcoming “Leg Day” pre-blast I needed to deliver. Ryder called it a traveling warm-up, I called it “keep yo ass moving” as we lapped a quick run out of the parking lot and around just to get everyone moving. [Read More]

Thank you for your service....

It may seem like a a cliche that we have heard constantly since 9/11. Some think it’s overused, some people don’t even think twice about it, but to some, this thank you does have value. It has meaning. It is recognition of a young person’s decision to step up into the unknown, to see if they have what it takes to serve in the armed forces. There are many sacrafices made by our young men and woman that have made the decisions to step up and serve. [Read More]

Winter is Coming

But it’s not here yet! After 2 years of F3 I speak from experience when I say 28 degrees in not that cold. It may be colder than any morning in the last seven months but it’s not cold enough to be used as an excuse. 7 extraordinary pax left the comfy confines of their homes to experience the best 90 minute bootcamp AO in Carpex. Disclaimer, Pledge, Follow Me. [Read More]

Lots O' Partner Work

With Peeping Tom Qing his farewell workout at SWW and Riptide offering “brownies” at Dazed and Confused YHC was surprised anyone other than the site-Q showed on such a morning. But that’s the glory of this group. HIMs come out to not only further their 1stf but to encourage the men who step up to lead them. Encouragement was certainly a well used tool during this workout as 9 pax push their limits for 45 minutes. [Read More]

Excuse Us

I knew the site-Qs were beginning to sweat as YHC rolled in with about 45 seconds to spare. I have a morning route and was running a touch behind even though I had already been awake for 50 minutes. Alas, 25 pax had gathered and were eager for a challenge as the clock read “Go time”. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance, Follow Me. Warm-up: Mosey around the soccer and baseball field then back to skateboard park for some exercises. [Read More]

Just Breathe

So what did Faith Hill have to do with the workout? Nothing. But she sure is easy on the eyes. Oh and she put out an album exactly 20 years ago titled Breathe which was a reoccuring theme in the workout. 10 pax were at the flag ready to roll at 0530 so we got after it. A quick disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance and off we went. Warm-up: Mosey out to Town Side then head toward Apex BBQ Rd, left on that road until at the back entrance of St. [Read More]

Have Rocks, Will Travel

According to The Free Dictionary the idiom “Have ____ , will travel” is used when one has the ability or skill to do something and could do it anywhere. While rock carrying, or in this case indian running with rocks, is not a skill that most of us set out to develop we can use a discipline such as this to develop toughness and belief within ourselves. Today 10 HIMs declared “I have rocks and I can take them anywhere”. [Read More]

Double Your Pleasure with Double 7s Doubled

Two years ago I was introduced to F3 and it has become one of the top 10 most impactful relationships on my life to include all people and organizations I have been a part of. You HIM have encouraged and spurred me on to be more in all three Fs than I could have ever imagined becoming. It is with a heart of gratitude that I embark on this week of 7 Qs as I hope to give back to those who have given to me and encourage those who are just beginning their f3 journey. [Read More]

IPC invades TGM

EC: IPTF, Sub, Squatter, Wrench and Hermes, THEISMANN Drive-by: Shut-In -- Warm up We did warmup stuff The Thang: IPC inspired 50 merkins 50 squats 50 LBC and bear crawl 25 yards Run 4 laps around the track (1 mile) Do the exercise combo and then run 3 laps, combo, 2 laps, combo 1 lap Took roughly 40ish minutes to complete Run about half a mile to a bunch of cinderblocks for 2 rounds of exercises and run back Exercises were cinderblock press (like a bench press), skull crushers, leg raises, and a series of block merkins 20 burpees on the way back Mary and 90 min was in the books [Read More]