Four Corner Burnout

It twas a great morning in the downtown part of Apex as (lucky number) 13 pax, including an FNG, showed up for a beatdown! YHC made sure to get there a few minutes ahead of schedule to make sure Google maps was still all it was cracked up to be.. as well as my memory.. So after the disclaimer was given and the pledge was recited, we were off! Warm up: [Read More]

Goes without saying...

Today was YHCs 4th Q in 6 days. By now, the scoops of vanilla were overflowing the bowl so I had all intentions of coming up with a fool proof plan for today’s beat down. Well, then I was on the road for 12 hours for work yesterday and decided to roll with a couple ideas I had in my head. It had been a while since I’ve posted at the OG Lions Den site and sort of forgot how intimate certain areas can be. [Read More]

Moist for teacher

It was moist today. Humid. Muggy. Sticky. Steamy. Oppressive. Clammy. Soupy. Heavy. Like a Turkish bath. Thank god it wasn’t dank. That would have been too much. Pre: Drive 21 minutes from home to H4T. Check on first option for Thang 1 but decide it’s too dark. Check on second option for Thang 1 and decide it’s a bit too overgrown. Decide to go with third, and most obvious option. [Read More]

Classic TV Land

I may have shared this before (probably with Cally for a The Muggo bit) so pardon the repetition. When I came to the US at seven years old, I knew somewhere between one and four words of English and my parents were only moderately more fluent. Lucky for me, this is a great country with great people, great teachers and great institutions of learning. And even greater television. I am pretty sure between the fall of 1983 and the summer of 1985, I watched 2,148 hours of television. [Read More]

The American Dream

Disclaimer. Mosey to front of school for some warm up thingys: ssh, imperial walkers, calf and runners stretch, good am. Mosey to east side of school; 5 rounds, 10 L/R heel touches at bottom cross walk, up the stairs, 10 diamond merkins at entrance, repeat. 110 yard length of driveway on east side, 6 burpees, run length, 6 burpees, return, repeat for 10 minutes. Mosey to back of school, Billy run [Read More]

Are we still writing backblasts?

Hello, and welcome to Fastest Friday AO in Carpex! The site that never shut down. Where mileage records are set and asterisks are badges of honor. YHC put forth his best marketing campaign he could to reQruit our native #beardedmillennial but with the Covid15 around his waste, Fortnight at his fingers, and a warm and dry fartsack YHC received word this morning at 0830 he “didn’t hear the alarms.” And he’s “sorry man”. [Read More]

I couldn't think of a good title

YHC signed up to Q this morning to ensure accountability to show up after a few days of solid fartsacking. After a fiasco of finding parking, YHC ran up to where the flag should have been at 5:44. After a quick pledge, we split the strong group of 16 between YHC and Earhart. This is what the Sooey Crew accomplished. Warm up SSH GM Windmill Imperial Merkins OYO Calf stretch Jog around to front entrance stopping for some squats [Read More]

THEMES...sometimes less is more

This guy! Michelob, Largemouth, Chanticleer and Blazing Banjo for a little EC. Great group of guys this morning including a FNG. A disclaimer was given, and then a disclaimer about the disclaimer was given. Today was supposed to be the day before This guy! and Michelob left for Boston to run a little road race they have there, and we had signed up to Q GT as a little sendoff. Then COVID-19 happened and so… but we decided to Q anyway. [Read More]


F3 Carpex is officially closed down, due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was not in the cards for 2020. YHC had been planning a 50th birthday Q for quite a while. Now, even though we’re officially closed, there are some unofficial workouts going on. I didn’t feel comfortable pre-blasting a place/time for an unofficial workout, just due to the inability to control numbers. So instead, let’s all do a Murph. On your own, with a few guys, however you want to. [Read More]

Eric Carmen

This Guy! for a solo EC run. While running I couldn’t get the song “All by Myself” out of my head, when I thought I might be all alone for the workout. So I’d like to present for discussion a new word to the Lexicon… The Eric Carmen, a workout where you are all by yourself. However that didn’t last long as I saw Pet Sounds and Theismann pull into the parking lot for the ME [Read More]