NOT 12 Days of A-Team

Since we’re a week away from the Big Guy’s birthday, YHC thinks we must have a Christmas theme. However, like the music on the radio or the Apex street decorations, sometimes we just get burned out because Christmas starts too early. So we kept it light, didn’t overkill on the 12 days of Merkins, er Christmas. A grand total of 9 PAX gathered on a rather GLOOMY and dank morning at A-Team. [Read More]

+3 mi Closer to Bethlehem @ SNS

12/6/2017 Warm Up 23 PAX took off for SNS while 6 departed for Vesper. Mosey to the intersection for a selection of SSH, Imperial Walkers, slow/fast high knees to warm up the legs. Thang 1: Community Center Parking lot Count off into three groups for No-Man-Left-Behind Burpee 100. Group 1 starts doing burpees at stop sign entering parking lot. Count burpees as a group, slowest count is the group count. Group 2 starts at the rock pile/wall doing Balls to the Wall. [Read More]

It's cold, but it's no Reykjavik!

YHC was truly impressed with all the CARPex crazies talking EC last night on the MC Groupme channel. Between Insomnia, EC Ruck, OTB in South Wake and Pittsboro — and a Tortoise Challenge from @f3earhart — was anyone going to Post at the Utopia that is the unofficial Wednesday CARPex convergence? As @flipflopcarpex and YHC rolled into the parking lot, the answered seemed to be “no”. Lots of dark, homogenic, exhaust-spewing vehicles but little cold breath to be seen. [Read More]

Rochambeau or Roshambo?

Hannibal, the leader of the A-Team, had his famous catch phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together.” Here’s the thing when you’re the QIC of A-Team: you have to have a Plan A and a Plan B. The Q’s fate is held with Cheddar Bo. And like Cousin Eddie, Cheddar Bo shows up when he wants. On this morning, Cheddar-Bo was akin to a DZ Site Q…….nowhere to be found. [Read More]

Bring smiles to all

SWW - 12/8/17 8 PAX braved what could have been but was not a frozen morning. Blessed to have weather in the 40s with the rain. Warmup One Lap around parking lot (yes, only 1 lap) Circle for SSH x 30 (IC), Imperial Walkers x 25 (IC)Good Mornings x 20 (IC),Merkins x 25 OMD, Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC), Plank Jacks x 20 (IC) Mozy to wall for Dips x 20 (OMD) The Thang: Mozy to Greenway, down through the woods to the underpass (DRY) for some Dora 1,2,3 [Read More]

Constructing (and Deconstructing) BLIMPS

14 HIM gathered at the well-lighted Apex Nature Park to start their weeks off right. Started with a brief jog into one parking lot (where the PAX got a little confused as Hot Spot broke off from the group for his solo run through the woods) for the warmup (SSH, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, Mountain Climbers, Cotton Pickers). Mosey across the street to the larger parking lot to construct (and deconstruct) some BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) as follows. [Read More]

Legendary Mumblechatter

Q: Captain Insane-o (KD Pax from F3 Louisville; YHC) Pax (21): Term Paper (respect), Yoga Mat (respect), Theisman, Emeril, Disco Duck, Angry Elf, Riptide, Shut In, Chinese Downhill (respect), Picachu, WKRP, Hermès, Midget (for Life), Sliderule, Banana Seat, Burt (respect), Half, Calllahan, Highlighter, Cody (respect), CI Conditions: 36, nippy, clear. Gear (for F3 Louisville Zoolander): Bud Light Tank Top (smedium), gloves, shorts, skull face doorag, lady’s socks, running shoes. I woke up 5 minutes before my 0450 am alarm, and jumped in the Jeep Patriot to head down to Bradford’s Ordinary, the self-proclaimed Best AO in Raleigh-Durham. [Read More]

Anniversary Week aka WWW

Water Wings Week began on a clear, cool morning at the infamous A-Team AO. This roughly marks my One Year Anniversary, but since I couldn’t remember the actual date, I’m Qing the whole week for prudence sake. 18 brave HIMs met at the gate while watching Mr Parks and Rec unlock the gate 2 minutes too late for the PAX to drive into the park. 5:45 ticked and YHC lead the PAX to the 2nd parking lot on the right for a little warm-up with SSH, Cotton Pickers and Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]