Limited Running

The Hi-Literversary Week and the Disco Duck Birthday Week overlapped, giving two brothers an opportunity to co-Q Phoenix, the greatest Saturday AO in all of Carpex. Because some of the PAX were running in the Break the Silence 5K later in the morning, we decided today’s workout would be limited running. Disco takes the first half, Hi-Liter takes the second. Warm-Up Mosey down to the Parking Lot of Pain and circle up for side straddle hops x 10, imperial walkers x 10, Sir Fazio forward x 10, Sir Fazio backward x 10 and warm up burpees x 7. [Read More]

It Adds Up, I Promise...

Time change and the Mule over the weekend = 5 HIM gathered at the flag in the misty gloom for a mathtastic beat down at A-Team. As YHC left his watch at home, Hot Spot is appointed timekeeper and announces that we have 10 seconds to GO TIME. The flag is planted, we start out with the Pledge and mosey into the park. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio both forward and reverso, Overhead Claps and Good Mornings. [Read More]

'Roid Rage

YHC has been battling some sort of crud for the past 8 weeks, and finally found relief in the form of …STEROIDS! That’s right all you spindly jabronis, can you smell what the doc is cookin’? This mofo is JACKED UP and ready to work out after a 2 1/2 week hiatus. So buckle up, we’re gonna make like a bunch of gym rats and knock out a whole week’s worth of pump in 35 minutes. [Read More]

"Back in my Day..."

Yes, yes, yes we’ve heard it all before, “up hill… in the snow… both ways…” Whatever! That never happened but I’m going to smile and nod because you’ve earned the right to tell your story the way you want it told. Good for you. This on the other hand did happen and 12 PAX wrote the script, directed, produced, starred and film edited (well that was all Parker) their own version of “Back in my Days of F3! [Read More]

Fight Back

8 HIMs had no interest in letting the snow be an excuse to sleep-in and in doing so resolved to Fight Back against the weatherman, Mr. Sandman, Father time and oh yes, we placed an emphasis on strengthening our backs. Betsy Ross’s contribution is not lost on the men on F3 and so we Pledge our Allegiance once again. Warm-up - 1 mosey around the parking lot, followed by another with high knee, butt kickers, shuffles to the L, shuffles to the R - Circle up for: - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Left foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Right foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Imperial Walkers [Read More]

Who doesn't love Costco?

Monday. MLK Day. Roughly 20 degrees. Eager PAX huddled outside the park gates, awaiting the Q. 2 FNG’s quietly took in the MC. Disclaimer was presented and we are off. Warm Ups: Headed to the nearest parking lot on the left for warm up laps around the big pickle. 3 laps…Butt Kickers, High Knees, Mosey Roof Raises, Side Shuffles. Circled up for the traditional stretch…. Good mornings, SSH, Mountain Climbers all in perfect cadence: 15X Standard Merkins (OMD): 15X Plank Hold for a few 10 counts… The balmy morning was really hurting the PAX, not to mention it was Monday. [Read More]

The Darby Project

Date: 01/10/18 QIC: Darby [South Wake] Site: Tortoises PAX: Yogi, Ascot, Theisman, M4L, Banjo, Crimson, Pickles, CK, AirHeart, Dog Pound, Sooey, Disco Duck, WWW, Draper, Spartan, R2D2, Ugga, Cherry Garcia, DeadBolt, Darby For our Wednesday version of the CarPex/Southwake Q-swap, we “limited” our running to Shuttle Sprints and Agility work. We started on cones and ladder drills, moving into shuttle sprints. In between each group of 5 shuttles, we did merkins, flutterkicks, WWIIs, Burpees, mountain climbers, and something Theisman called. [Read More]

Back to Back 03 Jan 2018

15 degrees could not keep 13 HIMS from donning their tights for another weight intensive Tortoise workout. After much tutelage by Hermes YHC was prepared and eager to Q my first. With a limited knowledge of the Lexicon and the Exicon the morning ensued with a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Warm-up 40 high knee walking pace 40 high knee with a twist walking pace 40 Imperial Walkers 10 Johnny Roscoes 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (left foot) 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (right foot) [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

12 PAX for a MARSOC Challenge

QIC: Kyrie SWW 29 Dec 2017 “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” T Claps to you 12 HIM’s that posted this morning. This morning was tough, freakin’ cold, and certainly not comfortable. You bettered yourself today, and the sun hadn’t even come up yet. How many of your peers can say that? Highly motivated. YHC has been bitten by the Q bug since VQing FWD a few days prior. [Read More]