Fini-Q - Double Duty 11’s was the flavor of the day.

Date: January 23, 2019 QIC: WWW AO: Tortoises PAX: Ashbury, Baiter, Biner, Blue Water, Clementine, Cool Beans, Crimson, Doogie, Ezekiel, FNG Fiddler (on the roof), Hotty Toddy, Imp, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Moore, Nerf, Red Ryder, Rooney, Sooey, Sub, Spartan, Theismann, Trike, WWW, Yogi Tortoise’s anniversary is coming up on Feb 2, 2019. Crimson approached me last week to discuss the plan via Slack. He actually twisted my arm saying since the anniversary is coming up, we should Q the rest of the Wednesdays until we have the changing of the guard. [Read More]

Into the Wilderness

6 PAX gathered at 228 Ambassador Loop for the best AO in Downtown Cary on a Tuesday evening. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegience. Jordan Lake Brewing Mosey down to JLB for warmups. SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio forward and back, Control Freak merkins and Plank Jacks. Then we want to use the very faded parking lot lines for a quick round of Bear Crawls with ascending Merkins on each line. [Read More]

Well, That Sucked

Nicely put, Pickles. More on that in a minute. As for any Q YHC rolls in about 15 minutes before the start to walk the grounds. (This was not as necessary today as I had been there the afternoon before with my 2.0 and 2.1 to scout and confirm a few things. North Cary Park is truly the nicest park in Cary.) Shortly behind me the Site Q runs in carrying the shovel flag. [Read More]

Traveling Pain Pills

AO: Phoenix Twelve HIMs gathered this morning for some fun at Phoenix. Welcome brother Chum, who joined us from F3 Chapel Hill area. Here’s what we did. Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills… on cue, Callahan arrives late, again. Continue with Sir Fazio’s forward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazio’s reverse. Five penalty Burpees (thank you, Callahan). Finish up with Merkins and Mountain Climbers. [Read More]

Carpex Challenge 2018 is in the Books

Congrats to the 36 that participated in this year’s challenge. In the end, very few completed all 3 Fs, and in fact, not many were able to post at every AO in 2018. Perhaps I made it too difficult this year, or maybe I didn’t do a good enough job marketing the challenge. But I think it’s more likely a statement of our growth. In the end, it was successful, because I know that it made some number of PAX push themselves a bit more and get out of their comfort zone. [Read More]


Phoenix, January 5, 2019 Pax: 1-4, Angry Elf, Banjo, Bluewater, Callahan, Clementine, Earhart, Everready, Frisco, Gap Year, Hello Kitty, Hermès, Jiggly Puff, Lite Brite, Ninjago, Ollie, Pierogi, Pigeon, Pivot, Smokey, Snots, Term Paper, Texas Ranger, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Water Wings, Yoga Mat Today was to be Karma Chamelion’s virgin Q, Karma has busted his knee and will be out indefinitely. Prior to starting, YHC invited all pax to consider joining in on the Healing Transitions weekly Saturday 0800 run at Umstead, Harrison entrance. [Read More]

A Q-versary Murph

Last night during dinner I was explaining to my 2.0s what the workout for the next morning was going to be and why. As I read to them the heroic account of Micheal P Murphy and his ensuing death I became immediately convicted of why I called the Murph for a workout. While physically it is quite a challenge, my hope is as we endeavor to complete such a feat that we are taking a moment to remember the all the great men and women who risk their lives everyday in defense of the United States of America. [Read More]


When you arrive at Tortoises early you have to join Theismann in ECPs. Spartan, MaBell, Red Ryder and Theismann were already knocking them out, so I did a couple sets with them. I had prepared music to last 52 minutes, so at 5:23am the mellow piano of Floyd Cramer (playlist is below) greeted the 29 PAX as they stumbled in from the gloom. At 5:30 we moseyed over to the front lot, circled up and did: [Read More]

PopUp CSAUP: The Burpee 400+


  • 12 for the first ever PopUp CSAUP: The Burpee 400+
  • We crushed 420 burpees and covered 2 miles in 60 minutes.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run around the pickle, circle up for: 5 GM, 10 WM, 10 mountain climbers, 10 merkins.
  • Run to the parking lot exit.

The Thang

  • PAX alternate calling 20 burpees OMD. Walk/jog between each set. Do 420 total.


You Still Have 20 Minutes Left!

From the day the sign up sheet for Grand Torino was posted I have been eager for the opportunity to Q Carpex’s newest high tempo site. For the last month many decisions of where to posted were based on what I thought would best prepare me to lead the type of PAX that frequent GT. With the exception of a little sleeplessness last night I felt as prepared as I could be when I rolled up at 0515. [Read More]