More like HIMstamine, am I right?

Holy hell, dat yellow stuff is everywhere. Regardless, we pushed through. A group of HIM out for an EC run, and YHC set off to chase down Theismann for ECP. Check out our convo on getting better on today’s PUT6. We wrapped up recording just in time to hear the pax getting restless, it must be spot on 0545. A backwards run for the Q gave me a chance to drop the moving disclaimer on the pax before we’re up to the lot for warmups. [Read More]

Circles and Compasses

28 HIM show-up in the gloom expecting an epic Yogi beatdown. Well, some plans are meant to change and YHC has stepped up to take the Q. Weclome FNGs Quidditch and Double Dutch. After a mumbling, bumbling disclaimer and pledge at the flag, we head left and to the large circle for: Warm Up Good mornings Cotton Pickers Steve Earls Arm twirly thingies including behind the back. The Thang The first of the many tangs actually starts at the end of warm-up with 5 monkey humpers and 5 burpees OYO. [Read More]

7 of Diamonds on the Diamond

It’s always nice to feel like your making a difference in your community. As I was doing a virtual scout on Annie L. Jones Park I did as I always do when preparing for a Q and I open up the Exicon to see what may lend itself to we’re to work it. As I was researching I was pleasantly surprised to see an exercise I had submitted to the Exicon a few months back was now officially received into the Exicon! [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]

Notso Final Countdown

Thank God the rain stopped just prior to 5:45, but it was chilly for sure! Tight group of 4 for the bootcamp, but we certainly made the most of it…also caught glimpses of Skipper-the Rucker (not Skipper - the bootcamper/runner) working hard wrestling some kind of bag….While once again the weather certainly could have been better, but it didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying a tight group of dedicated men. No FNGs, only familiar faces. [Read More]

Running w the Bells

When: 04/1/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Theismann, Sour Mash, Leprechaun, Ashbury, Hottie Tottie,Meatloaf, Intimidator, Billy, Pickles, Romney, Triple Lindy, Kenny, Earhardt, Monkey Nut, The Joker, Justice and Pet Sounds Warm up - run to the circle, Karaoke along the way. Circle up, SSH, Hill-Billy, Merkins, Stretch(s), Pete Paker, recover, head to the flag to pick up our late arrival. 10 Bonus Burpees + 5 more for good measure [Read More]

On the hunt

OK fellas, YHC was feeling a little something extra this week in prep for a Phoenix-lead beatdown. I showed up at 0600 with a pocket full of scavenger hunt clues. Before setting out to strategicly place them around Bond Park, Brother Snots pulled into the lot. With that we rolled out… …back in time for some mumble before the beatdown, seeing no FNG’s YHC dropped the F3 mission statement and credo on the pax, and we’re off. [Read More]

Murph 5 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 13 HIM for the fifth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at DP. Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Circle up for OYO Good Mornings. The Thang Do a Murph (to the parking lot circle, back out of the lot, up the hill, down around the circle by the flag, back down to the pond, around the stage, to the pull-up bars). Run reverse course back to the flag. [Read More]

Just in Time Training

I still don’t wear a watch during these workouts. While it’s always good to see Biner, unless he’s Qing of course (then you just have to channel your inner Spartan warrior), he provided the necessary time checks along the way during this particularly time sensitive workout. It was only time sensitive in that we were traveling a long way from the flag and everyone likes arrive home on time. 17 showed, 2 kept Sooey company as he continues his recovery walks, so 14 of launch for a trip around the Apex Lake. [Read More]

Hello Kitty Q'd Dante's Peak on a Friday in Apex

I’ll admit, sometimes I still flip on the ole GPS to get me out to DP, but when I get there I’m reminded at just how glorious this site is. A few hombres showed up at 0510 for ECP and laps. The only way to get better at pull-ups is to do more pull-ups. Aye! Back to the lot around 5:35 for record PUT6 w/ The Commish. Episode available HERE. [Read More]