From Sea to Shining... Forest?

Coming from a quick meeting with my Shield Lock had me rolling in hot at 0528. Hi-Liter gives me the 2:07 warning. A healthy crowd awaited eager to sweat out the weekend of indulgence in the name of honoring the mothers in our lives. Props to all the HIMs out there who lifted up their Ms this weekend. That Most important relationship in our lives is often the one who imparts to our 2. [Read More]

Disco Duck Rinse & Repeat 22 - Double Down (More Burpees)

AO: Rush Hour Date: 5/7/19 PAX: Biner, Disco Duck, Kermit, Theismann, WWW, Skipper (Ruck), O’douls (EC run) As a personal goal, I try to post atleast 4-6 times a week. My 2019 goal is to Q atleast once a week. This week was a busy week for me due to work commitments so I had to double down on Tuesday (FWD & RH). Disco Duck Q’d FWD; hence, the meaning for the BB title. [Read More]

Last workout of the week

20 Pax hit up the Naturest of all Parks in Apex for a Friday morning beatdown. YHC pre-blasted that we’d be using the pull-up bars and the turf. Let’s see how it went down. 0545 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup - No signature warm up. Instead we pranced the parking lot back and forth with butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, karaoke, and a couple warm up exercises. Thang 1 - We headed to the pond and partnered up, each getting a rock. [Read More]

Stretch Armstrong

Date: 5/6/2019, AO: Wolverine QIC: Parker 18 gathered in the beautiful Wolverine gloom, officially the gloomiest AO in all of Carpex. No FNGs, YHC really butchered the disclaimer this morning, and was hoping the beatdown would only get better from there. Pledge, and off we go. Warm up: 1/2 mile mosey to the parking lot near the basketball court at Davis Dr. Middle. Circle up for 20 SSH, calf stretch left x 10 count, 10 merkins IC, calf stretch right x 10 count, 15 merkins IC. [Read More]

May the Carpex 4th be with you!

YHC is not known for Theme workouts, and to be fair, this is the only themed workout I’ve ever done, and could very possibly be the only. I’m just not very creative. I saw the Q spot open and grabbed it….LONG before realizing it was on May the 4th…..AKA Star Wars day. So, I had to come up with something. I even created a playlist, then left my BT speaker at home. [Read More]

In a Spring Daze

What is the meaning of all of this traffic coming into Bond Park at 0615? I would love to say the 50 cars YHC observed roll in in about about a 10 minute span where pax upon pax coming to receive the highly anticipated beat-down that was near to launch hosted by yours truly. But alas they were not. While the pax turnout of 25 was nothing to sneeze at, this was not going to be a typical quiet morning with the 310 acres of Bond Park to ourselves. [Read More]

One for the Record Books

YHC apparently forgot why Rush Hour got its name! Waze said 5:43 arrival and it was dead on. Popped out the car and noticed a LOT of people waiting around for a Q. 19 to be exact. It was said that’s a record, not sure the accuracy of that but YHC will take it! Why so many guys!? 1. The weather, bro! It was gorgeous out there! 2. The beers that would soon follow. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

42, A Non-theme Theme

Who knew!?! A vanilla high tempo run work with absolutely no theme found a theme by the end of the beatdown! The sevens doubled turned out to be 42 of each exercise and Hanson logged almost 4.2 miles of running in the workout. Now, in full disclaimer, most of probably ran closer to 3.5 - 4.0 miles but 4.2 helped create a theme for this non-themed workout Disclaimer then run a quarter mile loop that will establish the route for the later timed work. [Read More]

Perfect Timing

YHC rolled into Sovereign Grace Church to notice 2019 HOTY candidate Theisman doing ECP all by his lonesome. Although PAX were gathering in the parking lot, this called for a few ECP to make sure the ol’ QB was not lonely. At 0529 we joined the other 20 in the normal gathering spot for Tortoises. Disclaimer was disclaimed, and off we did not go. Warm Up Circle up, 10 burpees OYO to calm the chatter. [Read More]