Be The Light

Opening: YHC started at 5:30am with the standard F3 welcome - F3 Mission, Disclaimer, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance. No FNGs were present. There was an expected level of mumblechatter for VQ week. Coney showed up in his Y Guides vest - well played Running Bear! Warm-up: Moseyed north to the 1st middle school parking lot to the left and circled up for: 30 Side Straddle Hops IC 10 Good Mornings IC 15 Daisy Pickers IC 20 Imperial Walkers IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R with 10 count en espanol courtesy of Buenos Dias and delayed 10 count from Kickback who was apparently engaged in some mumblechatter. [Read More]

Calculated Risks

In the summer of 1993, YHC and his M had just graduated with our respective Bachelor’s degrees from The Dub (UNCW). My dad was a building contractor with a small crew of 2 men, and had just signed a contract to build a house. I was in need of gainful employment over the summer before starting grad school at UNC. So the M and I spent 12 somewhat awkward weeks in the summer of ‘93 living with my parents and spending some weekends at our freshly rented apartment in Chapel Hill. [Read More]

Rush Hour can be Pain(stick)ful(l)

It’s Tuesday night, which meant it was time for the finest evening 1st F AO in all of Carpex - Rush Hour! To truly make it Rush Hour, YHC strapped on my workout belt and blared some Rush tunes from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. One of the things you may not know about me is that I loved Rush when I was in middle school / high school, and I was a drummer, so I was always awed at the pure genius and precision of Neal Peart. [Read More]

Cousin Co-Q Na’mean

The first cousin co-q (correct me if I’m wrong) was led on 8/15/19, where Speed Racer took the PAX from the window and Peeping Tom brought us round to the wall. Warm Up Speed Racer called time and we moseyed to the bank where MARY was: IC:20x - SSH - High Knees - Windmills - Imperial Walkers Then, because most of us could use a little more stretching: IC:10x - Warm Up Squats [Read More]

Hace Dos Anos

On some date in early to mid August, 2017, YHC showed up at Sovereign Grace Church on a Wednesday. An FNG. CHIPs from South Wake had been EH’ing me for a while, and I always had an excuse. Some excuses were more real than others. Anyway, the workout was hard and I kept coming back. Two days later I posted at Dante’s Peak, and was officially hooked. In celebration of this momentous occasion, 9 PAX showed up at Tortoises in the driving rain, under threat of thunderstorms, to help cap off year 2. [Read More]

Breathtaker Camo Koozie Q

YHC bid on and won Breathtaker, a 20lb weight vest that is auctioned off for charity each Friday in South Wake, which comes with a 5 post minimum for the week. Not having earned my camo koozie yet, breathtaker made it’s 3rd appearance of the week so far. 32 were witness to what it looks like to Q with an extra 20lbs, in fact Theismann and Pivot both had their own vests as well! [Read More]

How’s Your Grip Strength?

Pre-Blast 9 at #ao-sat-thegreenmile on a glorious Saturday morning in NW Cary for 6.9 miles of solid work. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. 1 mile warmup run around the school to the north entrance. Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, extended Plank Series. The Thang Esau’s Death March: Form one line. As a team, mosey forward. Last man stops to perform one Burpee, runs taps the last man in line and continues to the front of the line. [Read More]

We Smelled It, But Didn't See It

YHC has missed the 9/11 Stair Climb the last couple of years due to injury, and I’m determined to be there this year, so when the Rush Hour Q was available, I grabbed it, knowing we’d be headed to the parking deck. Warm-Up Mosey over to the bottom of the parking deck and circle up for cherry pickers, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and Good Afternoons. While two reluctant volunteers retrieve a couple of pain sticks the rest of the pax do LBCs. [Read More]

All the hillz

19 HIM gathered at ao-wolverine for a great start to the week with some hill repeats not-so-cleverly disguised as sevens. Mosey to the Park Village Pool lot for Warm-up: - Side-straddle-hop, Calf-stretch, Calf-stretch ‘merkin, Hill Billy, Sir Fazio forward and reverse The Big Thang: Sevens on the full half-mile hill; burpees at the bottom and squats at the top. Grumbling slowed down as everyone realized just how much fun it is to start their week off right. [Read More]

Two Drink Minimum

Wow, the weather forecast was intimidating for my first Q at Rush Hour. I seriously thought it might be just me and Theismann, and I was nervous at trying to keep up with him, even when he is wearing a 20# weighted vest. So I packed up a cooler with some waters and cold towels as a mini SAG station, and headed down to lovely DTC. To my surprise, it was the largest turnout that I’ve experienced at Rush Hour, a PAX of 9, including two of our Friendly SW Guys (FSWGs - both of whom were wearing weighted vests). [Read More]