Start spreading the news

Sixteen go-getters decided that the prospect of a 60-minute Bartman Q was somehow more attractive than the spectre of 90 minutes of Banjo, and I don’t blame them. So as not to disappoint, we gathered up, gave what was judged to be a minimally viable disclaimer, and headed to the community center parking lot, with some fortunate restraint shown by ToC’s BFT-wielding CheddarBo. We warmed up. SSH, GM, you know, the popular favorites. [Read More]

The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago. How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Hillbillies Side Straddle Hops 10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy [Read More]

Time flies when you're having fun

Fresh out of Q School was feeling ready to run a clean workout. Hit the snooze a few too many times today causing site Q’s Imp and Rooney begin formulating a backup plan. Thankfully traffic was light (imagine that) and YHC arrived in time to give the one minute warning. No FNGs, give a disclaimer-ish and we’re off.. Warm-up Mosey 3/4 of the way around the soccer field track to the parking lot SSH, Merkins, Runners Stretch, Merkins, Imperial Walkers The Thang - Tour de Apex [Read More]

Q-School: Exam Day

It was a good day for a VQ, thanks to the perfect mix of humidity, heckling, helpful encouragement, and reminders from Shut-In that the things he brought up in Q school were better applied than remembered. Despite lots of “you’re starting at SNS?” questions we’re off. Mosey in the unusual direction from the flag, getting started at the ropes course parking lot. After a brief attempt to keep up appearances by suggesting that Build-a-Bear was passing the test in observing my counting woes, we found the correct combination of pauses and cadences to get going. [Read More]

Murph 11 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 16 HIM pushed themselves to their personal limits at HB as part of the 11th of 19 Murphs in 2019. So proud of these guys…everyone was gassed on the last mile. It takes a lot of courage and discipline to push yourself that way. Just awesome. #StrongerBacksStrongerHearts Warmup Because CheddarBo slept in and the gate was locked, we launched from the lower lot. After reciting the Pledge at the Flag, each man grabbed a kettle bell and slow jogged to the pull-up bars. [Read More]

Four More Years!

YHC joined F3 four years ago, and Ma Bell was the Q at my first workout. Back then there was only one AO per day, Monday through Friday, and he was Q’ing the whole week to celebrate his 50th birthday. Remember that number, it will be important later. I found the backblast from that first post and modified the workout for today, with Ma Bell’s assistance. It was a little tougher than a normal Disco Duck beatdown. [Read More]

1st F those Mother F......s

When: 06/04/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds Pickles, Coxswain, Frisco, Pierogi, Earhart, THe joker, Press On, Honey Do, sputnik, Pet Sounds Warm up - Mozy around the upper pickle over the the lower lot, High Skip, low Skip, right shuffle, left shuffle back to flag for 30ICSSH, Cotton Pickers, 40OMD Merkins, Hill Billy, 10 OMD Merkins, hip stretch Thang 1 With Bricks the remainder of beatdown Mozy down the greenway to bridge, bear crawl the bridge, squat hold for 6, [Read More]

Like a Bat out of Hell

This YHC celebrates a 1 year anniversary with a Bells Q right where it all started. Enough about that! My playlist was off this morning not knowing the entire Meatloaf family would make up for a 1/3 of the morning PAX. Once the Meat wagon arrived we began on-time as always. Disclaimer, Pledge and of we went about 6 feet away. Morning Warm-ups included KB Hamstring Stretch, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio counter and clock with some seal claps. [Read More]

148, 44, 54, 6, 3, 2

Angry Elf and YHC had it all planned out. Until 50 guys showed up at Danger Zone! Too many to take down into the bowels of the park. But we have a glorious field that fits 50 perfectly. Anyway, today was a big day. A day of numbers one might say. 6 - Carpex’ 6th Anniversary. Evidence shows the first Cary F3 workout occurred on 5/31/2013 at North Cary Park and was named Danger Zone. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. [Read More]