And recover. ( thanks Shut-in)

We are four days in to the week and this is my third Q. I’m not sure how some of you Q for an entire week, my brain hurts from coming up with the workouts almost as much as my legs do from doing the workout. Anyways, always happy to wake up super early to lead the Pax. Here goes my third Q. No fng’s so said the pledge and mosey around the pickle. [Read More]


We had a couple of visitors from out of town this morning, Monk from F3 The Capital (and before that Gastonia), and Red Baron from wherever Living Legends come from. Warm-Up Disclaimer and Pledge, mosey around the parking lot and grab some curb for three rounds of quick feet and curb irkens, then to the top of the deck and circle up for cherry pickers, arm twirlies, seal claps, hillbillies and a round of Good Mornings expertly led by Crimson. [Read More]

Who ordered the vanilla cone?

As one of the site Q’s of this AO and a huge kettlebell advocate for working out, I took my time in coming up with a somewhat complex workout for today. Mumblechatter was high today as the Pax were trying to learn many new exercises introduced for the first time today. Let’s get started! Warm-up- Mosey around the pickle and circle up for some extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH’s, seal claps, and calf stretches. [Read More]

Freedom Rings even when you're Dazed and Confused

Date: 11/15/19 As I was trying to develop the workout, all I can think about is honoring all our Veterans this week and it’s RESPECT week. I always like to do something different in my workouts. It’s fun to scour the Exicon for new exercises. So, I dug deep into the list and brought out some stuff I’ve never heard about. Read on to know what we did: F3-adminstrivia done. No FNGs. [Read More]

Girly Man Monday

A few weeks ago I wore my “Where the Heck is Ausfahrt?” shirt when I posted. And HIM Ausfahrt was not there. This prompted some to speak with a German accent… which eventually led to Hans and Franz and “Pumping You Up”. What better theme for a workout than to play songs about girls and get pumped with kettle bells? With my Ausfahrt shirt on and music paused for the pledge we began. [Read More]

Double Your Pleasure with Double 7s Doubled

Two years ago I was introduced to F3 and it has become one of the top 10 most impactful relationships on my life to include all people and organizations I have been a part of. You HIM have encouraged and spurred me on to be more in all three Fs than I could have ever imagined becoming. It is with a heart of gratitude that I embark on this week of 7 Qs as I hope to give back to those who have given to me and encourage those who are just beginning their f3 journey. [Read More]

Gobblin' Tabatas

0530 with one PAX who will remain nameless skating in just in time. YHC reminded everyone this is a weighted workout so be careful with form, and don’t hurt yourself. Started with a parking lot mosey followed by the pledge of allegiance. Warmup: Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Fwd Seal Clap Sir Fazio Reverse Runners stretch Pigeon Stretch 10 standard merkins 5 McKenzie Merkins (Upward Dog) Thang 1: Kettle Bell Tabatas 15 count of KB swings immediately followed by KB merkins x 4 10 count KB squat and press followed by mountain climbers x 4 8 count KB curls followed by tricep extensions x 4 Thang 2: Battle Rope Team Crawls and Circle of Death Split into Two Groups - Transition once everyone has done burpees on the Yahoo Gobble. [Read More]

Deck of Cards- Bonus Burpees

No FNG’s, Disclaimer 2 HIMs rolled in late so we did 5 Burpees OYO Pledge Mosey to the field parking lot for warm-ups Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretches THE THANG: DECK OF CARDS- We split into partners so we could divide on the track. Two groups split on opposite side of track. Split track and deck of cards in 4 sections Each PAX would pull a card at each station and call the exercise [Read More]

Dawgpound Yoga

It had been a few weeks since YHC last did a Q in Carpex so YHC figured he would kill 2 birds with 1 stone and Q an AO that he had never Q’d either. PAX of 20 showed up for an old school South Wake inspired beatdown with a special guest - The Dawgpound (SW’s Kettlebell Master and Crazy Ivan Site Q) Warm Up YHC had a goal to keep things under a mile today. [Read More]

An Ode to Angry Elf

Two years ago today, YHC stumbled out of a slumber to visit Fred G. Bond Park in the heart of Cary. Known prior to that fateful day only as Kyle John Montgomery (save “Daddy” to a couple of kids, and “Skolnick” to a group of college buddies), this sad clown was drawn to a mysterious gathering of men, looking for a good workout…and an adventure. As soon as he jumped out of his car, he was welcomed with a warm yet equally obnoxious, “Hey, what are you doing here? [Read More]