I've Never Seen Vertical 4 Corners

In keeping with the spirit, I’ll be brief. 11 PAX (including Great Britain’s ambassador to Carpex; great to have Arsenal out) showed up in downtown Carpex for some parking deck fun. Jogged to the little used Town Hall parking lot for warmups (The usual) Mosey over to the top of the parking deck for some vertical 4 corner 7’s (or, as some people call them “Sabans”). Starting at the top with 6 Burpees. [Read More]

Leading From The 6

So I’ll write my normal Frisco style HIDA BB below but after seeing Half do something at the office today I decided to put some HIM stuff first. As Half was walking down the hall he noticed a hair on the ground behind him and quickly ran back to check to see if it was one of his (it wasn’t). Still he picked it up and dropped it in a small golden case he carries. [Read More]

The 2019 Carpex Challenge

Do you have a favorite restaurant that you go to? If you do, you know that waiter whose section you sit in all the time? You know his name and he knows your name. You don’t even have to tell him your drink order, because he’ll bring it to you automatically. He’s such a great guy. You love that guy! Then one day you go out to eat and that guy is gone. [Read More]

Plan B. Think anyone noticed?

YHC signed up to Q arguably the toughest of CARPEx AO’s last week and immediately set to thinking about what to bring to the PAX. Pullups? Not at this sprawling hey pull-up-bar lacking site. Celebration Merkins? Ditto no… although the big shelter has plenty, there’s just not that much room? Compass Merkins? There’s a thought. But one of my fave’s are the baseball fields, providing an nice setting for low-mileage beatdowns. [Read More]

And I Thought No One Was Coming

YHC forgot this was the 4 year anniversary of Shut-In (1/5/15 officially) so last week finding an empty Q slot at HBs was perfect! YHC and The Joker did some ECPs while we waited for pax to show. I thought no one was coming but at 0525 the parade of headlights flooded the park. 15 pax were up and ready to go at 0530 for the disclaimer and pledge. Pax # 16 joined us after our loop around the pickle for warmup. [Read More]

New Year, new SNS

After a rousing start to 2019 at the 1/1 convergence, it was great to see 32 more PAX lined up to continue getting after it in ‘19. No FNGs, you all know how this works, so let’s go.Quick turn at the end of Billy Run Road back to the parking lot, circle up: SSH x20 IW x19 Standard merkin x20 Mountain climber x19 Thang Count off by threes and mosey to. [Read More]

Pain Stick Party

Pre-Blast 8 for a pain stick party at BO. YHC worked with the fellas to make sure we ALL counted during exercises. There’s only one way to learn to count cadence when you Q a workout… You have to practice by counting aloud when someone else is leading. It is definitely more difficult to breathe, but that’s the point: you learn and grow stronger. WWW led the pace back to the flag. [Read More]

The Bay of Fundy

I did something this morning that I have never done. No, not that. I Q’ed an AO where I had never posted. But it was the last one on the list and it needed to be done. And it was fitting that Term Paper was there to present me with the Award for Q’ing all AOs before the end of the year. (Note: One of the statements above is not true. [Read More]

No Music - Plenty of Heavy Lifting

D YHC has been absent from posting due to family and travel. So it was good to get back into the swing of things with my second Q…..much appreciated Frisco…… We were 16 strong HIMS this morning. My apologies for not getting all 16 listed. There were tech difficulties with the video on my phone and I was not able to get everyone accounted for….as some may have thought YHC is not perfect [Read More]

Zero Burpees

Pre-Blast 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.5ish miles at FWD to do some work. YHC refused to call anything even closely resembling a burpee. YHC succeeded. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run up Cary Parkway to 64, cross the street, and run down to the medical plaza for some work. Before circling up, perform 40 Quick Feet, Paint the Lines, and 100 Curb Dips. Circle up for: GM, Windmills, Cotton Pickers … and SirFazios until YM gets tired. [Read More]