Crosswalk to Crosswalk

23 in total for YHC’s first crack at Lion’s Den. With some Google Satellite the night before a plan was made. There were some EC runners, some twins in the same shirts, some yoga pants, and a flag. It’s go time! 0530 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup lap threw off Franklin so much he quit and waited for the pax to circle the loop and come back. Then YHC went vanilla #shutinsignaturewarmup: GMs, HBs, Merkins, SSHs [Read More]

Lucky 7's? No Triple 7's with NO running

8 pax with no FNGs, brief disclaimer shared, only 1 pax actually read the pre-blast; “Ponder this question before tomorrow.. What is something you have done in the last 1 to 5 years that has changed your life to the positive? The answer cannot be F3 or praying, unless that was the catalyst.” Since the Skipper did not bless us with his presence, we’ll mosey up to tennis court parking area: [Read More]

7 of Diamonds on the Diamond

It’s always nice to feel like your making a difference in your community. As I was doing a virtual scout on Annie L. Jones Park I did as I always do when preparing for a Q and I open up the Exicon to see what may lend itself to we’re to work it. As I was researching I was pleasantly surprised to see an exercise I had submitted to the Exicon a few months back was now officially received into the Exicon! [Read More]

Running w the Bells

When: 04/1/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Theismann, Sour Mash, Leprechaun, Ashbury, Hottie Tottie,Meatloaf, Intimidator, Billy, Pickles, Romney, Triple Lindy, Kenny, Earhardt, Monkey Nut, The Joker, Justice and Pet Sounds Warm up - run to the circle, Karaoke along the way. Circle up, SSH, Hill-Billy, Merkins, Stretch(s), Pete Paker, recover, head to the flag to pick up our late arrival. 10 Bonus Burpees + 5 more for good measure [Read More]

Murph 5 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 13 HIM for the fifth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at DP. Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Circle up for OYO Good Mornings. The Thang Do a Murph (to the parking lot circle, back out of the lot, up the hill, down around the circle by the flag, back down to the pond, around the stage, to the pull-up bars). Run reverse course back to the flag. [Read More]

Circus is in town

A beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary. Welcome to the Circus. Ringmaster Geek Squad led the day’s events. 15 showed up on time. Unfortunately Nature Boy was late. After the pledge, we were penalized with 5 burpees to allow Nature Boy into the Circus. At ring 1: Warm Up 5 Good mornings 5 Wolverines OYO 5 Windmills 10 ea Fazio arm circle forward, reverse I 10 Merkins At ring 2: Thang 1 Mosey to track 25 Merkins Lunge walk curve 25 jump squats Backward run straight 25 mountain climbers (L/R = 1) side shuffle curve 25 Hello Dolly Repeato At ring 3: Thang 2 Mosey to stairs Divided into two groups Group 1 [Read More]

"I am rather inclined to silence" Abraham Lincoln

28 HIMs showed up for my VQ and TCLAPS to Liverpool for the EC run (Hoping if I tired him out enough he would limit the MC he promised to deliver. Today I learned never to underestimate that man and his ability to talk) 0530 hit, disclaimer and we recited the pledge. Checked my weinke and it said mosey so we did. Warm-Up Ran the path along the railroad tracks - stopped at the batting cages and 5 burpees OYO - remember the batting cages [Read More]

EH Your M

Your right. It had nothing to do with the 1stF this morning which is generally the purpose of a BB but from where I stood this morning it was the most significant thing I said. We spend our mornings pouring into ourselves and each other by way of strength building, creating comradery and lifting each other’s concerns up and we do it in the name of being better men, husbands and community leaders. [Read More]

Virgin No More

Woke up early for my VQ at 4. Anxious to get started I guess. Decided it was too early to get up, and slept until my alarm went off. What’s that I hear? Rain? Great, need to modify already. I planned on doing step ups on the bleachers but did not want to risk the safety of the PAX so had to come up with an alternate. More on that later. [Read More]

Supercharged, modified and sliding at FOD

A nice morning at FOD. 27 PAX made there way to west Cary to celebrate Liverpool turning 50 and earning the title of RESPECT. Just because he is now with us in the 50’s doesn’t mean he gets an easy workout. All came ready to have some fun and be challenged. Warm up Pledge Run to back of lot 1 - 5 Good mornings Run to back of lot 2 - 10 Imperial Walker with a squat in between Run to back of lot 3 - 112 Supercharged SSH (4 rounds of descending SSH. [Read More]