Who said you can't go home again?

It was a glorious start to fall and a great day to be out in the gloom. What a better place to start the day than at Field of Dreams. Hard to believe that it has been over 4 years since Ma Bell and YHC started this AO. Today - one of my goals was to prove that you don’t have to always run up the hills to the top parking lot in order to have a proper beat down. [Read More]

U Got Desire So Sell Phantom Street Everyday to the Immigrant Love Mother

There are a few truisms in life: You’re going to die and you have no idea when Make time for your friends and loved ones YHC is only going to post once a year at the following AOs: FC, BH, DP, FWD, SWW This BB is for one of those times. It being the end of summer and with school about to start, when the Q-sheet showed an opening for FC on Thursday, I knew it was now or never. [Read More]

Escalators ... Even going down is brutally tough!

AO: FOD Date: 8/20/19 PAX: 5 Hole, Beaker, Brosef, Callahan, Clementine, The Departed, Deuce, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Katniss, Kilmer, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Spit-Shine, Swag, FNG Toothless, Trike, WWW I goal for my Q’s is to ensure the workout is challenging but yet attainable. It took some time to think of what I want to do. What I came up with is an escalator workout. Read on to find out what was in store for the PAX. [Read More]

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti HI

When: 07/24/2019 Twenty five PAX gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. We had one FNG, started with the F3 disclaimer. Welcome to AUSFAHT who came back after his crash and recovery. First exercise Pledge of allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. Warm Up Performed warm-up exercises in cadence:10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Surfazio arm circles, 10 Reverse Surfazio arm circles, 10 Seal Claps, and 10 Side straddle hops. [Read More]

Better Late Than Never

Eighteen PAX gathered this swampy moonlit morning at Carpex’s original limited-run AO, Tortoises. With the Dark of All Helmets fan club gathering happening over at SNS, YHC was very pleased with the turnout. Disco Duck and Frisco were already doing some EC, alternating intervals runs and pull-ups. YHC started to caution them that they might regret that later, but decided they would find out soon enough. No FNGs, but practice makes perfect, so let’s run through the disclaimer anyway. [Read More]