A "Respectable" Measure Twice

Only a “respect” for a week and here I am as the Q for a second time in the same month! Could this be the start of something crazy I start doing in my “old age’? We shall see. Thang 1: The Run South on Louis Stephens Drive West onto Morrisville Pkwy North onto Davis Drive West onto Morrisville Carpenter Road South on Louis Stevens Drive Thang 2: Brogra consisting of but not limited to the following: [Read More]

Peace Disturbed

Its been a long time since I wrote a back blast. I think I have skipped writing one for the last 5-6 times I’ve Q’d. With trying to keep track of Pax attending workouts I better write this out to keep us all safe. So I’m going to keep this simple too. Standard warmup/stretching in Apex PD parking lot. Mosey to bottom of hill and partner up. Time for some Catch me if you can. [Read More]

Music Delete

The best plans often go astray. Today was a lesson in adapting to a failure in my pre-blast: I planned Music, Merkins, and Mumblechatter. Good on two of those. A recent Andriod 11 update rendered my usual music playing app useless. In hindsight I should have tested this the night before. Lesson learned. The PAX were disappointed by the silence. I tried to figure out how to stretch the workout because I planned a nice, new thang to a song. [Read More]

Partner up, nevermind

I am still not sure why I signed up for the Q this morning. It sure would have been nice to sleep in. I’m sure several PAX wished I would have slept in (Deuce, you can say it, I won’t be offended). But I didn’t and we all left thankful for the opportunity to do some work and enjoy some fellowship together. Here is what went down: 6:30 - time to get rolling. [Read More]

No excuses

This week has been crazy. I am a day late in writing my backblast. Monday I found out one of my work friends died over the weekend. My volunteer work has picked up. Deadlines in my day job. And yet Crimson brought up the fact that Tortoises didn’t have a Q and I felt compelled to put my name on this Q sheet. I did not really plan the workout. I did not have the time to do it. [Read More]


YHC picked up the Q slot for Bounty Hunters and did not have much of a plan so let’s just roll with the basics. A solid group of 9, no wait 10 PAX were off at 5:30 sharp towards Thales. Side note: Frisco first posted at BH in May 2018. YHC had a HC that Frisco was going to attend this morning so a repeat of his first day at Carpex was planned over at Thales. [Read More]


Lots of PAX got together this morning at SNS. By COT, the count was 22. Even more went elsewhere. Air Brooks was holding Court down at Point Break, Geek Squad pretended to have a birthday, Headroom continued checking boxes on the CARPEx Challenge and, hell, even Flenderson accidentally clicked into the Q sheet to sign up. But only eight were man enough to take to the diamond though. Having expertly introduced myself to the two PAX I had not previously met (and then promptly forgetting their names until basically COT), it was time for the Pledge as those with muscles only below their waist took off for an advertised 45 minute jog. [Read More]

55/2 - Birthiversary - Legs

Today marks the start of Geek Week celebrating my 55th Birthday and 2 year Anniversary with F3. Each day, we will work on a part of the body. We kick off the week with legs. Warm up Good morning Windmill Mtn Climber CF squats Thang 1 - Ladder work Starting point - 10 Squats 1st intersection - 10 Monkey Humpers 2nd intersection - 10 Jump Squats 3rd intersection - 10 Donkey Kick 4th intersection - 10 Jump Lunges Thang 2 - Court work [Read More]

Climb to 40" - VQ for Mama's Boy

Pre-pledge: Nature called for Snots. Fortunately, he brought a roll of TP. Mama’s Boy shared a silly song on being stranded without TP, and also the proper technique for disposing of waste if one finds himself high up on mountain rock with nowhere to dig: either pack it out or smear thinly. Leave no PAX behind - same with turds in the alpine. Pledge, then mosey to lot 1 for the first thang: - good mornings, arm circles, windmills, plank, merkins [Read More]

Turtles all the way down

To borrow from the G-File, welcome dear readers (including those who thought this BB was going to be about Sturgill Simpson or, much less likely, John Green’s book): Ever come across a book (or in this case a series of books) that you just wish you had come across earlier in life? That’s basically how I feel about Terry Pratchett and his Discworld Series. I first came across Pratchett’s series a few years ago on a trip to London where the bookshop in the airport is a frequent stop. [Read More]