Ode to the Site Q

After all the ECs came to a conclusion and the dust cloud of PAX settled in, the disclaimer was given, and we we’re off into the few minutes of gloom we had left… FNG Check… welcome Kevin! Let’s do this. Mosey halfway to the power lines and circle up in the gravel for SSH // IW // SFAC // rSFAC // OC // SC // Merkins Continue through the park stopping in the second parking area for copperhead good mornings. [Read More]

Core Principal #1....We Need More Core!

YHC’s goal for the SNS beatdown….don’t stop moving, and engage the core! My challenge to the PAX and future Q’s is to engage the core, and step up the numbers….it doesn’t have to wait for Mary! Though a fine 6-pack…this is NOT what we are talking about! Warm up Quick jog to the community center parking lot, backwards run in a circle to capture the 6 SSH Merkins Calf Stretches w/wide-grip merkins enough…. [Read More]

From Sea to Shining... Forest?

Coming from a quick meeting with my Shield Lock had me rolling in hot at 0528. Hi-Liter gives me the 2:07 warning. A healthy crowd awaited eager to sweat out the weekend of indulgence in the name of honoring the mothers in our lives. Props to all the HIMs out there who lifted up their Ms this weekend. That Most important relationship in our lives is often the one who imparts to our 2. [Read More]

Last workout of the week

20 Pax hit up the Naturest of all Parks in Apex for a Friday morning beatdown. YHC pre-blasted that we’d be using the pull-up bars and the turf. Let’s see how it went down. 0545 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup - No signature warm up. Instead we pranced the parking lot back and forth with butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, karaoke, and a couple warm up exercises. Thang 1 - We headed to the pond and partnered up, each getting a rock. [Read More]

The Bear and the Lucky7 Fair

A bear there was A bear, a bear All black and brown And covered in hair Two men, a goat And a dancing bear They danced and spun Up to the fair They sweat and shuffled And pure and fair They hiked up their rucks All the way up in the air From there to here From here to there On all fours And covered in hair They swallowed a lot of pollen [Read More]

Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.) All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]

Reflection Rock

Good morning. YHC was on the Q sheet, then Pickles asked for it for his anniversary, then Pickles had a tooth fall out or something, so I’m back baby. Fresh off a fulfilling, yet taxing, 30-minute block for #F3Pray24 and I was ready to lead the pax for a solid beatdown.Seeing 1 FNG, and taking time to mention Pray 24, a quick bow of the heads before we left the lot; pax were witnessed to a prayer + mission statement + disclaimer combo. [Read More]

If You Provide Bacon, They Will Come

22 PAX and no FNGs, disclaimer given (poorly), opening Prayer for those having surgery today and we are off. Warm up mosey through Wake Zone parking lot for a change of pace GM x 5 SSH x 8 Burpees x 5 Diamond Merkins x 8 Plankjacks x 5 Plankjacks x 8 (was supposed to be mountain climbers) Form 4 groups for Indian Run to track, stopping at light poles for various Mary exercises, each group chooses their own [Read More]

Topless Broga

One never knows what to expect on April 1st. YHC decided to play it straight, and keep the PAX wondering. At 05:29, twenty PAX had gathered around the flag in anticipation - April Fool’s jokes or not? After the Pledge of Allegiance, we’re off. Warm Up Two laps around the pickle with some backwards running, Karaoke both ways, and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]