Eagle Flyover at Our Flag

No FNGs present, a warm-welcome to all, Respects to our Great Flag, and off we went with Bacon and Blimps in the air. A quiet group… Warm up runs are just that - for warm ups. But why not add stuff in? High Knees with Burpees were called in segments on the way to stretching. Minor grumbling already. This was a good sign. WARM UP: SSHs, High Plank J-Los, and GMs were called but… [Read More]

Blockade Runner

YHC doesn’t Q that often, so when I saw an opening at Point Break, I jumped on it! Pickles was supposed to have his b-day Q, but things happen, so YHC signed up and dreamed up a new exercise to experiment with on the PAX. The morning started with YHC dropping off a couple of cinder blocks at a large parking lot behind the New Waverly Place office building. Same building where my dentist’s office is located so you know I had pain on my mind already. [Read More]

Valentine’s Day is all about the HEART!!!

Date: 2/15 PAX: Wrench, How How, Big Red, Animal, EarharT, Loom, Smokey, Shipper, Texas Ranger, Seahawk, WWW, Deuce, Horatio I checked the Steve forecast and low and behold, he was blasting out 28 degrees but dry. Beautiful morning for a workout in the gloom. Once all the PAX arrived and 0530 hit, I called out some test questions (Mission, Core Values, and Credo) and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. We headed out for a light mosey around the pickle and back to the flag to circle up for warm-up. [Read More]

No run = more fun!

“If it ain’t rainin’ it ain’t trainin’” attrib. various rowing coaches. Often followed at this time of year with “If it ain’t snowin’ it ain’t rowin’”. Both followed with helpful coaching tips such as “Row better!”. For those who’ve not been much, or ever (Welcome, Texas Ranger!), Claymore is a limited run ao - I’ve found this can be taken to mean there are only short runs back and forth, round the pickle etc. [Read More]

Rain makes you feel like a kid again

Date: 2/6/20 PAX: Water Wings, Rooney, I Pity the Fool, Term Paper, Henny Penny, WWW, GTL, Smokey, Texas Ranger, Lookout, One Four, Honeycomb, Wonder Bread My normal routine prior to posting is to always see what Steve’s forecast would be. He has a lot of moisture planned in the gloom. So, when I hear that, I prepare myself mentally that I’ll be quite moist during the beatdown. Term Paper sends a Slack post to Hello Kitty and me wanting to know how dry we will be. [Read More]

A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start. [Read More]


Hey guys, it’s me. Yes, I’ve gotten my passport stamped…again. This week, it’s a trip the legendary Bradford’s Ordinary. I packed a lunch and a bag, and eventually arrived in that glorious location tucked away in the very quaint and bricky beige downtown Cary. Cars in the parking lot indicated guys were either getting in a nap or on an EC run. I honestly don’t know which. Last night my downtrodden, beloved Tarheels lost a nail-biter in Blaxberg. [Read More]

Pick Your Poison

Another cold morning could not keep the men of Carpex in the fartsack, 19 showed up for the Main Event, many took part in multiple EC run opportunities. Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle in front of the shelter and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, copperhead squats, cherry pickers and burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the rock pile and grab a High Rep Rock and circle up for Pick Your Poison. [Read More]

Accountability 2020

The new year brings new goals. YHC has not been very good at stepping up to Q as often as I should. So, what do you do about it? You get an accountability partner and make a pack. So, for 2020, YHC and my accountability partner @Deuce will hold each other accountable to Q at least once a month. In that vain, January kicks off the accountability pack with a Co-Q at Dazed and Confused. [Read More]

Intimidator Birthday Surprise Sans Intimidator

I found out the week earlier that Intimidator had just turned 59, but hadn’t told anyone. Never one to let a birthday go uncelebrated I planned a great Q for intimidator, yet he didn’t show. Oh well. Thang 1: 7’s Did 7’s on the hill next to the strip mall with diamond merkins at the top and jump squats at the bottom Thang 2: Intimidator Man-Makers Since we all want to be like intimidator when we hit 59 we did catch me if you can with man makers. [Read More]