Sevens Three Ways

Site Q Sooey had promised 57 degrees this morning, and he was off by about 13 degrees, so 13 vets and 1 FNG had to deal with an Angry Duck Warm-Up Mosey to the Christmas tree in beautiful downtown Apex and circle up for a few warm-up exercises, including Good Mornings from Crimson. The Thang Mosey around the corner to the T-intersection next to the Methodist church and split into three groups. [Read More]

1,000 Yard Stare

When Tang came to me for advice about starting an evening workout I thought he was joking. F3 is a morning thing. We workout in the gloom because…well, I mean have you ever seen Kwik Stop in the light of day? Exactly! But I knew respects like Biner and Ma Bell were usually being put down by their nurses in the evening so maybe knowing those types would be out would bring in more PAX. [Read More]

Relax / Recover / 🤷🏻‍♂️

I was lucky enough to be able secure the highly coveted Q for Apex’s new 45 Min AO: Off the Rails – wanting to align the workout with the site name I didn’t want to spend too much time planning. Here’s what we did: With 6 Pax at the flag we said the pledge and then mosey’d along the trail out behind the baseball field to a nice grassy opening I had spotted along a little EC. [Read More]

Factor of 5 at Ragnarok on Thorsday

Date: 11/05/2020 PAX: Chewie, Seahawk, Tang. Texas Ranger, WWW, and TR’s fur baby F3 Blaze. The weather was spot on for a beatdown, mid 60’s. I was honored to Q on my 3rd visit to #au-thurs-ragnarok which earned me a hoodie. No FNGs, Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory. off we went around the pickle (runners 2 laps, walkers 1). Circle up to warm-up: good evenings, Sir Fazios & Alleluias. [Read More]

Bean Bag Toss & a Little Bit of Everything

Some workouts seem to focus on one particular thing: today is leg day or arms or abs, etc. I like to do a little bit of everything with a Q, and that’s how this morning went at Point Break. Warm-up: started with the mission of F3 and the pledge, then moseyed across the street to a long parking lot. Stopped for several rounds of some quick feet and curb merkins. Moseyed again down to the back parking lot and painted the lines until the end of the lot where we stopped for SSH, GM’s, and Hill Billy’s. [Read More]

Dodgerless Point Break Vanilla Beatdown

16 Pax showed up on a unseasonably warm October morning including about 5 of the standard EC runners. Started with the pledge and circled up. Was prepared to start off with 15 burpees if there were any Dodger fans in the house but no one took the bait. Did the usual Warmarama instead with SSH, Good Mornings, Tappy Toes, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Runners Stretch and Squat Holds. Mosey to the Main Pavilion doing butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke on the way [Read More]

BackBlast(s) Beatdown

So last week I had a brutal beatdown planned to end my one year anniversary week, but some unforeseen circumstances prevented that. Luckily Wrench is a true HIM and stepped in and even luckier the Q was open this week so I had a second chance to bring some pain. EC For those who don’t know, Wrench’s DES this year is to run the Maynard and then do a murph and I’m guessing probably a triathlon in the afternoon. [Read More]

The S.S. Schlitz's One hour tour...

As YHC’s quest to complete more of the 2020 Carpex challenge continues, it was time to take a turn at the Phoenix Q. Bond Park is such a large AO, with so many options, I wanted to take the Pax on a tour of some of the typical stops along a Phoenix/SNS beatdown. YHC and the Triplest of Lindy’s for a nice, balmy 3 mile EC run. Here’s what went down: [Read More]

Last one at 40!

YHC had originally signed Two Factor up to Q this morning, but he was still recovering from his back hurting so it was only appropriate for YHC to lead. Today was my last F3 workout in my 40s since my birthday is right around the corner. Without a great plan in mind for today, it worked out pretty well. Everyone seemed to get their money’s worth! Gather at the flag, disclaimer for the FNG, quick pledge, and off we go! [Read More]

Snip'n with Disaster

Twenty PAX (I missed a few names above…) made it out to FWD for a VQ to be remembered. As a recent graduate of HQS (Hermes Q School), I felt mentally and emotionally prepared for the twists and turns that could spring upon a Q on a Tuesday morning in the FWD gloom. Kicked it off on-time with the Pledge and off we went. Class Picture Warm up Jog the hill up and around to the Lowes Food parking lot: [Read More]