Welcome To Wakanda

10 PAX showed up on 4/25 in the beautiful plains and hills of Wakanda (i.e. the SVG parking lot) for some fun. No FNGS. Mosey to the coupon shed for a Warm of Cotton Pickers, Fazio Arm Thingees, Reverse Fazio Arm Thingees, Merkins, and Imperial Walkers. The PAX grabbed the coupon blocks and moseyed over to start the first Thang, assisted by Brown Bag, who arrived late, so 10 enhancement burpess all around. [Read More]

Phoenix 4/28/18 -- 2010's

24 PAX came out for this workout that arose for the ashes like the AO’s namesake. Cary’s Spring Days limited access to all the places YHC wanted to use. After the Warm-ups, everything else was an improvisation. We jogged off to our usual warm-up spot which was now named the Purple Parking Lot. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and Beyonce among others started out with us. Unfortunately, the Respects in the group were not impressed. [Read More]

Phoenix 2 Year Anniversary

Phoenix was my first Q site, I hope years later I did a slight better job. Nice cool morning and off we went at 6:30 Slow jog towards rock pile, few warm ups then we wrapped a rock and did some rock work, balls to the wall and peoples chair. Then we did some light pole work, and did a hill climb. Next was the Fry Daddy repeato of parking lot laps. [Read More]

Dos Toros

Saturday is coming up fast and no one has claimed the Phoenix Q. YHC checks with the co-site Q to see if it’s really available, it is, and we decide to co-Q. Disco Duck takes the first half, Texas Ranger takes the second. Here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and mountain climbers. The Thang [Read More]

1-2 Texas Hello Ranger Kitty Knockout

What happens when Texas Ranger and Hello Kitty tag team for a co-Q beat-down at Phoenix? … … a little Texas Kung fu kitty cat knockout. It was wet when YHC rolled into Bond Park for Phoenix this morning. The rain was beating down on the entire drive there, but then on cue the rain let up as we started the workout, and it was a beautiful morning. YHC led the first half and Hello Kitty took over. [Read More]

QDR and only QDR

Men, It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout. With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes. Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for: Good mornings (in radio DJ voice) Quick feet x 9 Donkey kicks x9 Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9 Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill [Read More]

Limited Running

The Hi-Literversary Week and the Disco Duck Birthday Week overlapped, giving two brothers an opportunity to co-Q Phoenix, the greatest Saturday AO in all of Carpex. Because some of the PAX were running in the Break the Silence 5K later in the morning, we decided today’s workout would be limited running. Disco takes the first half, Hi-Liter takes the second. Warm-Up Mosey down to the Parking Lot of Pain and circle up for side straddle hops x 10, imperial walkers x 10, Sir Fazio forward x 10, Sir Fazio backward x 10 and warm up burpees x 7. [Read More]

The Lake is Beautiful this Time of Year (har, har!)

“The lake at Phoenix is beautiful this time of year,” I thought with a sadistic little smirk on my face. Here is how we got there…. YHC didn’t know what to expect at Phoenix this morning with the Mule going on in Raleigh. Hello Kitty planned a 6 mile meander through Cary, as well. But, the parking lot was packed with PAX and one FNG. So, after the initial disclaimer, we were off, running down to the stop sign and then “whoa, curveball” Hi-Liter heads to the right, the traditional Texas Ranger path, but YHC heads left, just keeping everyone guessing. [Read More]

First Anniversary and Bacon! 2/20

Is they a direct relationship on how long you put off writing a back blast and how good it is? For me, the longer I put it off the shorter it becomes. Probably a matter of opinion if that make it better or not. 1 FNG - Disclaimer by Joe Smith. Nicely done for a lawyer. Run to Chanticleer’s for Warmup - SSH, IW, GM. Merkins+Mountain Climbers+Plank Jacks Run back to the Park parking lot and partner up. [Read More]

Another Rainy Day in Kryptonite City

Date : 02/19/18 , QIC Fluoride Roll up to Kryptonite for my Q with 2 mins. to spare, early for me. Surely it won’t rain 3 weeks in a row, Wrongggg!!! Granted it was a light rain and slightly cold, but rain none the less, and I hate to work out in the rain. The usual crew was there but good to see some new faces, Snots, Jigglypuff, Texas Ranger and Yogi, and Burt who is semi-regular, hard to miss him when you get out of the car, pontificating on the news of the weekend. [Read More]