Nostalgia - Football Practice Drills

Nostalgia – Football Practice Drills On Saturday during coffeeteria after a brutal Hi-Liter led Phoenix beatdown, Build-A-Bear asks if I am going to FMJ. I stated “yes” enthusiastically. The follow-up question was, would you Q FMJ? I gladly accepted. I thought through what I wanted to do so I could make sure Build-A-Bear would get a good workout and I did not disappoint. What’s funny is no Build-A-Bear to be seen at FMJ. [Read More]

Stolen Typewriter

Roll into the Sovereign Grace Church parking lot and there’s already a lot of activity. Some of the PAX are finishing up their EC pull-ups, and we’ve got a clown car from South Wake. YHC has just enough time to place cones in the parking lot, and it’s time to go. Warm-Up Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and Sir Fazios. [Read More]

Crazy(ish) Phoenix

Banjo hit the Pax with news of his trip to the IR and naturally YHC jumped on the chance to Q Carpex’s premiere AO on a Saturday morning. And with the boys headed out for Crazy Train, we had to get a good beatdown in, in their honor as well. Fellowship run at 0605 (sorry Chipper who had been waiting since 0545 chomping at the bit) and the rest of the Pax arrive on-time for a 0630 start. [Read More]

Trail to Eagle

[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“134”] Eagle Scout[/caption] YHC wanted to exemplify the Scout Motto and arrived a full 15 minutes early for Phoenix. Sadly, that’s about where “Being Prepared” ended for this end-of-the-Scout-week Q. Nevertheless, after a full week away from home, I was excited to share some of Scoutings, and in particular, the Eagle Ranks, more important numerical milestones. Warm-Up - 21s 6:30 and peeps are still rolling in. Well, it’s time to go so mosey while the stragglers get their s*! [Read More]

Who Do We Appreciate?

Burt shows up with his big box speaker and plays the soothing sounds of the Rick Dees classic Disco Duck while we wait for all the PAX to arrive. The clocks strikes 05:30, play time is over, time to get to work. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Global Knowledge parking lot and take a lap, then circle up for side straddle hops, mountain climbers, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang [Read More]

You can do a lot with an extra 15 minutes

I was glad to finally have some “approved” extra time for my workout this morning. I had been struggling with finishing on-time all week, so if I couldn’t bring this one back home in time, I may need to seek help. But since 60 minutes just isn’t enough for some people we also had two groups of EC runners. At 5:45 YHC, Snots, Hi-Liter and Chipper for a 4 miler and at 6:05 Disco Duck, Texas Ranger, Yoga Mat, Liverpool and Air Supply for 2 miles. [Read More]

4 x 4's

YHC arrived a few minutes early, excited to Q in the gloomiest gloom in Carpex on a Friday morning. I looked around and didn’t see a guy in a hockey mask with a machete, but I did see an FNG named Daniel, so he got the F3 disclaimer. As we got closer to 0545 I saw lots of PAX but no site Q’s. Finally Oofta rolled up, but without the flag. [Read More]

Ode to the Hate

We had a May the Fourth workout last week… so let’s follow with a May the HATEth workout! It’s all about the Hate today. FNG Check Mosey over to the Kids Together playground for our warmup. Half the pax do figure Hates around the playgrounds. The other half works on cadence GM, Cotton Pickers, and CDDs. Gather up, and Indian Run back out to Thurston. Turn right and head to Cary Parkway. [Read More]

Back in Black

Knowing that today was going to be hot one 13 HIMS showed up early to Tortoises to get their workout in the most palatable part of the day. Having not Q’d in a few weeks I felt like some back work was in order. But then again YHC always feels like some back work is in order. But is wasn’t all work, we danced a little bit to some AC/DC. With that said… here we go. [Read More]

"Rage against the dying of the light..."

Note: Since I just got access to Wordpress, this is a catch-up Backblast from February… Seven PAX showed up in the warm gloom to practice raging against the dying of the light through the SVG parking lot. No FNGS, so straight into warmup of Good Mornings, Side Straddle hops, Double Cotton Pickers (at Crimson’s request) and Imperial Walkers. Amid the MumbleChatter, the PAX moseyed to the hill nearby for the first Thang. [Read More]