Zen Zen Flex Again

17 HIM descended upon Phoenix for what YHC promised would be a very limited run workout, with a heavy dose of flexibility. We had 1 FNG, Liam from New Jersey, so a thorough and complete disclaimer was in order. Apparently YHC got a little bit loquacious, prompting Callahan to point to his watch, “6:31” and an indignant look of “let’s get on with it” on his face. So off we went. [Read More]

Brotherhood of Stone

Pre-warm up: Some of the HIMs gathered by the pull-up bars for some extra credit sets; good job! Warm-up: Good mornings, Hillbillys, and to everyone’s surprise, LBCs (good for later). There was a lot of mumble-chatter at this point and spirits were high. Everyone grabbed a cinder block or a couple of concrete cylinders and we moseyed with them to the lower hill for Thang 1. Thang 1: American Hammers with Coupons on top and Berkins (Block Merkins) on the bottom for 11s with block carrying sprints in between. [Read More]

Studs are made of 2x4's

I must admit, I had several doubts about this morning. I returned from the other side of the world only a few days ago and am just now getting my circadian rhythm back to Eastern Daylight Time. My sleep has been off, and I haven’t been as energetic as usual. To top that off, in true F3 fashion, I did the F3 ENC CSAUP “The Sasquatch” in Greenville, NC on Saturday. [Read More]

#mccantsweek - Day 6 - BLAZE OF GLORY

If you don’t have Bon Jovi playing right this minute. Stop reading. Queue it up. Crank it up. Crack one. I woke up this morning and I raised my weary head. I’m a devil on the run. Thrown out of school for bringing a six pack and two guns. Well they tell me I’m wanted, yeah, I’m a wanted. And when I’m shot down, I’ll be shot down in a MF blaze of glory. [Read More]

Cinder Block Mayhem

Cinder blocks … $1.68 at Lowes … priceless F3 beatdown material. YHC is always excited to Q at Tortoises to work on shoulders and arms and overall use-able strength. Yes, this is a limited run workout, but it is still a beatdown. Warm-up: SSH IC, good mornings, arm circles forward and backward. Everyone grabbed a cinder block and fast walked from the lower parking lot to the upper parking lot. [Read More]

Half Krypto Anny

As mentioned above, today marks my one year anniversary of Kryptonite and joining F3. I will save my sappy BB for tomorrow on my actual anniversary. Pretty much did the same workout from a year ago, thanks Shutty! Below is Shutty’s back blast, with my edits. See strikethroughs and words in Italics. Oldies vs Youngies MostFit vs DadBods July 17, 2017 Shut-InKryptoniteAspartame, Burt, Chanticleer, Coney, Denali, Half, Largemouth, Michelob, Pet Sounds, Shut-In, Tenderfoot, Texas Ranger12 PAX decided to get up 15 minutes early this morning. [Read More]

You are looking live

First-ever (to YHC’s knowledge) Instagram story of an entire(ish) beatdown! Watch it here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/f3carpex/ While YHC figures out how to archive that, here’s what we did for Offish BB purposes: Warm-up: Good morning, merkins, sir fazio and overhead claps, quick feet and curb merkins Pearl 1: Rock curls, tricpes, press and rows x2 with a pickle lap in the middle Pearl 2: 7 burpees at Burpee Corner Pearl 3: Kiwanis Pavilion for LRSU, Dips, LRSU, Table Deadlift Pearl 4: Other Pavilion for LRSU, Erkens, LRSU, Derkins Pearl 5: To the beach for Merkins, WG Merkins, Diamond Merkins and a Texas Ranger prayer Pearl 6: At the kiosk for partner Dora 1-2-3 with the hill at the run Pearl 7: Over to the south of NH rock pile for Curls, Triceps, Press and Rows. [Read More]


Full Metal Jacket, already an AO with a military theme, YHC was feeling especially patriotic after having watched the movie “Unbroken” last week on 4th of July. Warm-up: YHC announced the theme to a healthy sized group of 14 PAX (or was it 15?) and off we went. Warm-up took us on a run for a loop around the ponds, ending up back at the playground set where we did a few good mornings and plank-jacks. [Read More]

Hot, Humid, Hills

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” We were all created equal, and these 17 HIMs met in the early morn on this Independence Day Eve 2018 to fight gravity and humidity in an effort to better themselves, and their fellow man. With several pax heavily anticipating the 1776 convergence tomorrow morning, the objective today was the keep the pax moving, and spread the workout focus without overemphasizing any particular body part. [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]