(Not) Weather-Shamed

Pre-Blast 8 HIM braved less-than-tropical-storm conditions to avoid the MaBell weather shaming. The rest of you…look out. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run approx. five yards. Drop for 25 LBC IC and 5 10-sec. Superman Holds. Welcome the late-arriving Callahan and join him for 10 Victory Burpees. Run to the Community Center. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Groiner Merkins/Runner’s Stretch, Hand Release Merkins, SSH, Hillbillies. The Thang****s [Read More]

Bruisers stroll with their KB Buddy

YHC/QIC called a Bruisers workout for Phoenix yesterday to see if there was any interest. @Disco Duck HC, so it was on. DD mentioned he had KBs we could use. I could not turn it down so I rallied my brain cells to think up something to do with the KBs. We had to make good use of them. I decided we can become close friends with our KB buddy all the while enjoying the blissful views of Bond Park. [Read More]

Starting off LABOR DAY weekend

LABOR DAY weekend … the official end of summer. Most kids are back in school and the days are turning cooler, a little. There was plenty of heat at AO Phoenix for starting off the LABOR DAY weekend right. Yogi had locked in the Q at Phoenix for today, but he handed it off to YHC during the week. I wanted to EH a HIM to co-Q, so new guys will keep stepping up and Q’ing. [Read More]

Get Off My Lawn

Because it’s was my birthday Q and I’m old and that’s what PBX tells me I sound like. Anyways, arrived early to scout out the AO to find about 15 HIM already working the ECP. By 5:30 21 PAX were ready to go and Crimson had already started complaining. He knew what was to come. Warm Up • Good Mornings x 10 • SSH x 53 Thang 1 Split into 5 groups. [Read More]

The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. [Read More]

Same Same, But Different

A lovely morning for a workout! We have been truly blessed the last three days with some fabulous weather!!! Roughly 60 degrees this morning, with pretty high humidity. The preblast indicated this would not be a Blue Ridge Relay training workout and while there WOULD be running, it would not be a run-centric workout. Turns out, we still managed a little over three miles…… Bayonne, Biner, PBX, and I met for some EC hill repeats at 5:45 and ran a little over 30 minutes on the High House hill, joined about 3/4 into the run by Snots and Chipper. [Read More]

High and Tight

Lots of EC going on at Tortoises this morning, three PAX for a fellowship lap around beautiful downtown Apex, multiple other PAX for all or part of EC pull-ups. No Theismann to keep track of the total count, but Rooney was there and he brought Def Leppard with him. PAX were warned that today’s workout would be no running, and any running would be met with bonus burpees. Warm-Up Brisk walk to the flag for the Pledge, then brisk walk to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, mountain climbers, hold it, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, plank jacks, hold it, standard merkins (on my down AND on my up) and hill billies. [Read More]

Watch Out For The Dog Jogger

3.5 mile EC run with YHC, Hermes, Build-A-Bear and Largemouth. No FNGs, but I meet Titanic and Daisy (as in the B.B. gun) Rolling Stone was supposed to make an appearance, but when we started there was no Bartman to be found. Later in the workout, a strange and mysterious light kept appearing on the bridge. Some thought it was a walker, or a biker, others a runner, still others a dog jogger. [Read More]

Drop Your Sticks for a Route 66

AO: Phoenix August 18, 2018 Keeping with the mid-August pain pticks theme, and not to be outdone by Bluewater’s Death by Dora mini-Murph at Slippery When Wet yesterday, YHC and Build-a-Bear dutifully planted a minefield of concrete and PVC for a lovely morning’s fun. Site Q Texas Ranger led a pack of 4 HIM’s for the EC run (+ Ollie, Sosa & Chipper - who had a rare Saturday M-pass to join us). [Read More]

BRR Prep

Pre-Blast 19 for BRR prep at #ao-sat-phoenix and the Feline 15K. 3.75+ miles of hillz, Wolverines, and burbeez. The runners just ran. @Jigglypuff was there. EC run of 2.5 too for a few. @Texas Ranger, et al. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag 1 (or so) mile warmup run around to the east entrance of the park and down the hill to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot at the bottom of the hill. [Read More]