1,096 days

The temperature was perfect. The blue sky was bright with sunshine creeping over the treetops. YHC walked slowly toward the typical gathering spot, catching the bizarre yet strangely comforting sounds of MGMT blaring from someone’s car stereo. It was deja vu. -—- Three years ago on a Saturday around 7:58AM, I found myself questioning many of my recent life decisions while trying to vomit as quietly as possible into a pond so that no one else would see or hear me while they did this thing they called “Mary”. [Read More]

Partner Double Beast

It was a great morning all around for the PAX of Dante’s Peak. Weather was money. Numbers weren’t very #problematic (19 > 15), spirits were high, Open Out came in hot. No not because he’s wearing a sweatshirt in May but because he was running late. I tried my best to give this Q away to a VQ but with only a few nibbles and no bites I was excited to take the reigns. [Read More]

I've Got Those Beer Mile Blues

22 PAX (23 if you count someone who joins up at 6:27) including 2 FNGs gathered this morning at scenic Apex Nature Park. No shovel flag, no site Qs, but those in attendance came in anticipation of seeing a little merlot spillage from YHC. Not to be. Disclaimer given and were off. Extended Warm Up (as promised) Merkins x 10 SSH x 15 Merkins x 9 LBC x 15 Merkins x 8 GM x 10 Merkins x 7 Freddie merc x 15 Merkins x6 IC IW x 15 Merkins x 5 IC Sir Fazio x 10 Merkins x 5 IC (Whoops) Mountain Climbers x 15 Merkins x 3 IC Plankjacks x 10 Merkins x 2 IC Merkins x 1 IC [Read More]

N-M-S, and Politics as Usual

NMS You may think YHC is suffering from the winner’s dilemma: coming off a glorious victory and having to immediately ante back up. He’s spent all his physical, mental, and emotional energy just having been the greatest ever. He bottled lightning, there is no way to follow that. The people want more, the game is on the line, but his knees are weak, palms sweaty, and he’s wondering what in the hell he has left to give. [Read More]

No Larry This Go Around

Shut In was afraid of what happened last time YHC led the horses at A-Team. The Pax tried some new exercises and were better for it…were they a bit creative? Sure. Edgy? Perhaps. Did you get to know your fellow man a bit better? You bet your damned ass….(hmmm, interesting choice of words). Anyhow, Shut In didn’t want any more of what could come but his worry was unwarranted. No sir, this day was not to feature Mary’s brother that lives in Key West, Larry. [Read More]

SNS -- The New Outdoor Gym

I arrive at SNS after not posting here for some time being a regular at Tortoises to a crowd of PAX either hanging out or running in from all directions. Seems SNS has turned into an outdoor gym environment where you can do running, beatdowns, several aerobic options. What is next, cycling and yoga classes? Anywho, 30 plus guys gathered, some ran away for Vesper, some stayed with me for the traditional beatdown. [Read More]

"Hey Cally, did you see that rainbow?" (x 12)

Beautiful morning for a workout, eh? Six men showed up for a quick 2.25 mile EC run around parts of Cary I’ve never seen before. Back at the parking lot with plenty of time, the rest of the PAX started pouring in one after the other. All in all, a total of 25 men showed up in the gloom to push themselves and their brothers to put in some hard work. [Read More]

Agility City

A perfect Wednesday morning for a Shakin-not-Stirred workout: temps in upper 50’s and mild+ humidity. There were a lot of F3 men milling about the shovel flag by 5:40 a.m., many of which were covered in sweat after the 5:05 a.m. F3 Insomnia run. By 5:44 a.m., men had split up into Vesper running group and the classic SNS bootcamp group. There was a singular flip flop that someone tossed in the center circle of the classic SNS bootcamp group, then I stepped into the middle which added another singular Flip Flop in the center circle. [Read More]

May the Murph Be With You

The second week of Bounty Hunters kicked off with 19 strong, including 1 FNG. As Water Wings fumbled his way through Open Out’s half made flag YHC fumbled through the disclaimer. 0545 and some change and we were off to the American flag for the warmup. Before warming up we took in a moment of silence to reflect/pray for our government, military, and freedoms to kick off National Prayer Day. This was then followed up by the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Going Down...

A couple things you should know before I start telling you about the workout. I completed the workout with my M and she approved. Also, I am a fan of christian rap and had this song in my head when planning the work out: Link (Lecrae (ft. Trip Lee & Swoope) - Falling Down) WARM UP Fast feet and lines - find a line, 10 secs on, 10 sec rest for 4 mins. [Read More]