
14 Pax shook off The Odyssey hangover and took to a high tempo beatdown by YHC. (Here’s our Strava from Michelob) Some chatter on Twitter last night meant when YHC saw a white honda stroll in to the parking lot right after 0545, he wasn’t waiting… (Un)fortunately we have some HIMs in our region that waited on FF and brought him to our warmup spot. It was definitely the first time I’ve had to call an exercise while we wait on the 6 to get to the warm up circle haha! [Read More]

Chillin' with Petty

12 gathered in the gloom and we were off at 5:45. Mozy to BH pin location to make sure that we don’t miss a visitor. Warm up SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 7 Chilly jacks x 12 Chilly mountain climbers x 12 Mozy to centerfield The Thang Partner up, one partner does exercise, other runs to one of the glow sticks and back. Flap jack until quantity completed. [Read More]

Don't Sandbag Me Bro

Welcome to Day 2 of the Back-to-Back Beaker Beatdown (B4 [TM]). I want to let you in on a little secret. I typically sign up to Q with an idea already in mind. Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to carry five gallons of water around and then hop on a sled pulled by my fellow PAX?” But, when I was perusing the F3Carpex website looking at Q sheets last Friday, I noticed a glaring hole at SNS this coming week, so I jumped on it. [Read More]

Got to keep things moving...

My wife was out late last night so I ended up staying up late too which made me a little nervous about the early morning Q. We had a good crowd when I got there and per usual Flouride showed up right on time with Midler right behind him. Then we were off. Warm Up Jog to the lake up to the amphitheater - SSH, GM, and WMH. Got a little mumble chatter so we headed around the lake. [Read More]

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a fantastic, cool, lovey morning. And dark. Good heavens Marla Dorrel Park is dark at 5:45 in the morning. As it is so dark, 5:45 finds Chanticleer rolling in and undressing as we roll out of the park and up into the parking lot in front of Lowes Foods. Also known as “The New Order Cross Fit’s Front Yard”. Punks! I had a birthday Sunday and I am now 51. [Read More]

Big Lots

Mozy to large lot Warm Up SSH x 15 IW x 13 GM x 10 Plankjacks x 15 The Thang Parking lot divided into 3 main sections and for each section, we went up and back around each island, doing exercise at each corner, starting with 2 and increasing by 2 each turn. Run the length of the sections, travel in another manner for each width. See below for approximate map. [Read More]

CARPEX Inaugural BURPEE 100

9 pax: Blue and Out, Cumulus, Hermes, Joe Smith, Oofta, Smokey, Sosa, Term Paper, YHC Banjo Being this is only the second time YHC has stepped into Ritter Park, the first in well over a year, YHC got moving early since to step things off, running off some night squatter in the rear parking lot. It was good to see the men arriving early, mumble chatter in the early am is like a good cup of espresso. [Read More]

Pocket Park Blues

I rolled in early and saw a few guys already stretching next to the church and wondered if I had gotten mixed up on the time. Turns out they were part of the #meowmile crew, and off they went. They returned a few minutes with Hello Kitty and a few others looking for extra credit. 5:45, everybody’s here, no FNGs, welcome to our brother Matlock from F3ENC, let’s roll. Warm Up [Read More]

When: 9/20/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: see below As SNS is my 2nd favorite site in F3Carpex (only behind Kryptonite obviously) I took this Q seriously. Worked hours in preparation for these famed 45 minutes to deliver a powerful beatdown that would make even Larry happy. Warm up - lap with around parking lot ending at side of sr ctr. SSH, GoodMorning, MountainClimbers, PlankJacks, Fozio Sir Fozio (Rev), Mozy to gate [Read More]


Yes, there were concerns, its September 18 and the Wolverine marketing machine had been working overtime for a few weeks. Creeping thoughts as I drove to Koka-Booth, am I going to be leading myself around the lake? But alas, nine Supermen and YHC were ready to go at 5:30. Only confirms, there is more then enough fun to go around Carpex for three workouts, even on a Monday! The Warmup [Read More]