Legendary Mumblechatter

Q: Captain Insane-o (KD Pax from F3 Louisville; YHC) Pax (21): Term Paper (respect), Yoga Mat (respect), Theisman, Emeril, Disco Duck, Angry Elf, Riptide, Shut In, Chinese Downhill (respect), Picachu, WKRP, Hermès, Midget (for Life), Sliderule, Banana Seat, Burt (respect), Half, Calllahan, Highlighter, Cody (respect), CI Conditions: 36, nippy, clear. Gear (for F3 Louisville Zoolander): Bud Light Tank Top (smedium), gloves, shorts, skull face doorag, lady’s socks, running shoes. I woke up 5 minutes before my 0450 am alarm, and jumped in the Jeep Patriot to head down to Bradford’s Ordinary, the self-proclaimed Best AO in Raleigh-Durham. [Read More]

WWW x 3 and Largemouth 2.0's B-day

Strong showing Wednesday morning for the birth of Largemouth’s 3rd child. I guess by your 3rd C-section you can tell your wife, “Hey babe, I’m gonna go for a run with the guys and I’ll meet you at the hospital!” We’ll see if she’ll cool with that with his 4th or 5th child… Insomnia had 8 in attendance: YHC, Snots, Shut-In, Pet Sounds, Callahan, Hermes, Largemouth and Michelob (Respect) For some reason Snots thought it would be a great combo for YHC to participate in Insomnia for YHC’s first time the week YHC has 6 Q’s… [Read More]

Deck Move

33 degrees. Clear. Dark. No Wind. 14 Dudes. 6 Headlights. 52 Cards. Warm Up Jog to the Field SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Burt Jacks. Good Mornings, Flutter Kicks, Hand Release Merkins….done IC, 15-20 count. Thang. Deck of Death. 52 cards. 4 Moves. Jump Squats, Burbees, Hand Release Merkins and Plank Jacks. 1, 2, 3, 4,….13 random reps for each of the 4 moves. Run 50 yards out and back between every 4 / 6 cards. [Read More]

High-Tempo Molly Hatchet

17 of Carpex’s finest entered into the brisk gloom, 16 from automobiles and 1 from a bicycle. After auctioning off the Kryptonite Q yesterday, YHC still had the urge for a high tempo Q. Plans were made known via GroupMe (like by Hello Kitty and WKRP within 15 seconds) so YHC was guilt-free. And there was no need for guilt with this set of PAX, they all crushed it (as the kids say). [Read More]

Dora proves she is ready to move past 1,2,3

For the first time, the site Qs at Flying Circus decided that someone other than themselves might be worthy to Q at their new site. It is indeed, a beautiful site, complete with two schools, one elementary and one middle school. A crowd gathered on a crisp cool morning (including a few newcomers complianing about the commute - (we dont want hear it Grinch, Termpappy and Kitty). We know how big Carpex is. [Read More]

Circle of Death...

I guess it was more like an oval. I got there early to check out the park and Hermes and Billy were already waiting. 10 Pax showed up and Joe Smith placed the flag. We started off on our first lap as Fluoride rolled in. Warm Up Jog lap 1 and on lap 2 we did butt kicks, high knees, and karaoke. Circle up for 10 x GM and 15 x IW. [Read More]


Shakin’ Not Stirred was the first place YHC posted with F3, and it’s always felt like home to me, so I was very excited to Q here for the first time. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, merkins, plank jacks, imperial walkers and burpees (at this point YHC really was just trying to get warm). The Thang Mosey over to the shelter at the boat house to find that there were more PAX and less room than YHC expected. [Read More]

Was Now - Insomnia

F3 Cary/Apex f3-caryapex@googlegroups.com Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 9:02 PM Yep! New job started today. Definitely a good move! You may or may not want to join me for EC haha, I’m starting at 5am (maybe 5:05) and getting in 4 miles, then will meet back at SnS to mingle until y’all go warm up. Should be…fun? On February 13th 2017 Callahan got a new job which would make it impossible for him to post to Shakin Not Stirred. [Read More]

The Gates of Koka Booth will not prevail against Us.

Date 11/13/17 QIC: Fluoride +6 Awesome Pax I arrived at Koka Booth barely on time to find 6 Pax running in the parking lot. I got out of my car and asked why they were running, and the reply was to keep warm. It was that kind of morning, in the low 40’s and raining, a day when most folks would elect to fartsack, but not the brave men of Carpex. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]