Bugs and BETA

The Maynard: Ollie, Hermes, Joe Smith, Banjo, Wonderbread, Sky Blue, Denali, Large Mouth, Chanticleer Insomnia: Shut-In, Bogo, Term Paper, Callahan, Old Maid, Water Wings, Flacco, Hello Kitty Rolling Stone: Repeato, Bartman Vesper: Butterscotch, Old Maid, Hello Kitty, Flip Flop, WKRP, Pet Sounds, Badlands Shakin Not Stirred: Shut-In, Khakis, Kilmer, Chop Block, Flacco, Cheddar Bo, Nature Boy, Snots, Turncoat (Churham), Parker, Term Paper, Open Out, Sabre, House, Chinese Downhill, Coney, Water Wings, Grease Monkey, Burt [Read More]

Several Title Options

On the drive home I started to think about what I wanted to title this BB, but I had too many possibilities running through my head. I didn’t think it would be fair to just pick one, so feel free to chose your favorite. Oh you’re saying Lou’s. I thought you were saying Lose. (see below) Blisters Installed Here If we were on American Ninja Warrior our shirts would say F3 Ninja That was the “Worst Thing Ever! [Read More]

Welcome Back

YHC had planned out a nice little kettle bell workout for the Hell’s Bell PAX, but that plan was contingent on having enough kettle bells to go around. Looking around at 0529 it was clear we had just the right number of PAX, but less than the right number of kettle bells, so the original plan was scrapped and a new plan was hatched on the fly. Let’s get after it! [Read More]

The Ultimate Workout

A few weeks ago YHC and WWW traveled north to the The Farm to help celebrate Spit Valve’s Q Week. The first half was a typical, well executed and thorough beatdown, but the second half was something new for us. It was a game of Ultimate Frisbee, with penalties doled out whenever the frisbee reached the end zone or touched the ground. It was thrilling and on our drive back we agreed we definitely had to bring it back to Carpex. [Read More]

A Quest For More

Baffling. That’s the only way I can describe this morning. It was hot like tomato soup, it was humid like a car sitting in 110-degree heat with wet beach towels stewing for a few hours, and it was…quiet. YHC felt like garbage this morning. Nevermind the physical toll the 1776 beatdown put on me. The head cold I was so graciously given by the M has put me in surrender mode. [Read More]

Class Participation

Big crowd this morning for a holiday week, lots of familiar faces, some new guys I hadn’t met, and two FNGs. Give the FNGs the Disclaimer (in perfect cadence) and we’re off! Warm-Up Take a lap around the parking lot then mosey over to the lot next to the pavilion and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, prisoner squats, plank jacks, merkins and Good Mornings. Because you can’t Have A Nice Day without a Good Morning. [Read More]

Kicking off USA Birthday Week

As we come up on 241 years as a country, YHC felt it was appropriate to celebrate with a little victory lap. It’s a beautiful lake with wonderful scenery and a typically well maintained Apex trail running around it. The backblasts suggested A-Team hadn’t run a lap in quite some time (YHC found reference to one such effort in ‘16 led by a “McCants”) so here we go. Warm-up: this was sort of done on the run [Read More]


2nd F event on Tuesday night prior to the Wednesday Q was bad idea. Well the actual event wasn’t a bad idea, but those last 4 Brooksweisers were prolly a really bad idea. But hey, great opportunity for a 2nd F baseball game with your F3 brothers! The mighty Holly Springs Salamanders, affectionately known by the locals as the ‘Manders, are a force to be reckon with…sorta. Anyhoo the plan was to carpool from some shady Cary bar called The 19th Hole Bar and Grill; leaving at 6:20. [Read More]

Return to the Bridge

AO: Flirtin w/Disaster June 26, 2018 Weather forecasts can be an inconvenient distraction. After days of threats (90% chance of rain, thunder!) Build-a-Bear calls a pop-up EC three miler, departing 0430. Not a rain drop in sight. Such was the beginning of a muggy morning at YHC’s first pre-arranged Q at Flirtin’ w/Disaster. Some of the PAX may have suffered a flash back to YHC’s disorderly pop-up Q at this very AO about a month earlier, where we spent quality time on and across the US1/64 pedestrian bridge. [Read More]

Rack 'em

Here’s the set up: 2 weeks ago, YHC and the Nan’tan himself are standing in line waiting our pimento cheese at the festival and we’re chatting F3, as we’re often to do. We’re talking about the impending 10 (or 9) pack and how I’ll round it out with a co-Q at Phx. To the Nan’tan’s credit, he’s always thinking and says, “I have access to The Crick’s Q sheet, let’s see if it’s open. [Read More]