Rinse and repeat...

Some folks may be aware that YHC does not typically post on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are the M’s mornings to go to the gym. Well, with the 1.0s in town, the unique opportunity has arisen for YHC to not only post, but jump on that Q sheet. So I decided to take my talents to downtown Cary, if for nothing else, free deodorant and beer. I just Qed on Friday so figured why not just run that bad boy back since only Wahoo was at that Q anyway and when I apologized that it was redundant, he didn’t seem to notice and stated, “They all run together at this point. [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

15 gathered to get ready for the workout. YHC informed the pax of the plan to get a location where we could hopefully catch a glimpse of the SpaceX rocket. One FNG and the disclaimer given. Mosey towards the lake near Lochmere for a warm-up consisting of SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Merkins and Plankjacks Move down the street for Dips and Irkins at a location ideal to see the rocket [Read More]

How do you get better at pull-ups?

Do more pull-ups. AND…practice these 10 exercises with your friends. 6 of us PAX came out to Tortoises on 4/21 to get better. Here’s what we did: EC - Farmer carry kettle bells from the secret stash to the parking lot. Welcome - Pledge - Mosey (instructional stroll around the pickle) - Hand out souvenir Weinke’s to each PAX Warmup, focus on shoulders The Thang 3 ct Boat / 10 ct Canoe x 10. [Read More]

It's Good to be Home!

Hello Wolverine! Though gloomy as ever, its good to back as I you were my first ever post and where I got the named in perhaps record time. 6 others followed me around this AM, with mumble chatter giving Build-A-Bear the chance to talk about Owls I think? Anyhoo(!).. Loom arriving with the flag and 25 seconds to spare we started and did the following: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to church parking lot warmups [Read More]

Lowe's vs Sweetwaters

16 PAX, one FNG, disclaimer given privately, perfect weather and we are off. Mosey to a very unsafe place to warm up (sorry Shutty) SSH, Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal Claps and Mountain Climbers Head to newly opened Lowe’s Grocery stopping at each light pole for increasing merkins starting from 1 and getting to 10 Christen the parking lot with a 4-man double pickle Indigenous People Run (IPR). During each lap, one of the 4 will remain in place doing an exercise, until all 4 have taken their turn. [Read More]


Every year on the Ides of March, YHC has the distinct honor to celebrate the anniversary of his first F3 post. Today on the 6th installment I was honored once again to do so with my F3 Carpex brothers. We gathered outside the open gates* of Apex Community Park, home of A-Team, and noted the peak spring gloom, having endured a full 26 hours of Daylight Savings Time. 3/4ths of the ShieldRuck was on hand, one in a Cubs jersey #oversight. [Read More]

Disney Dreams in Bond Park

9 PAX plus Press On’s pooch gathered at Phoenix for YHC’s 1 year anniversary. As the family is huge fans of Disney I figured we’d do an appropriately themed tour. Clear and ~40 degrees or so. Torpedo commented this is the first time this year he’s started an F3 workout in the daylight…a beautiful one indeed. Warmup Goofy Good Mornings x5 – on a whim, counted with a GAWRSH which all enjoyed… [Read More]

Told Y'all There'd Be Hills

Preamble Thought I never actually saw it there, I swear Build-A-Bear had put me on the Q sheet for 3/8. But there I was scheduled for 3/1. One of y’all mophos is playing some shenanigans. But you got to get up mighty early in the morning to fool Ma Bell! Play your little games. As YHC enjoyed a refreshing beverage and a cigar, I formulated a plan. A plan that involved hills. [Read More]

It's called Winterfell for a reason!

Super frosty & icy morning in the Far Northeast Kingdom of CARPEX! Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the over eating attributed to the Super Bowl, maybe it was the over drinking (SB)….. not really sure but the mumble chatter was high & the mosey was slow this fine morning. Here’s how it went down according to my recollection. No FNGs, start with the pledge, mosey back along school to the back where the buses are – painted some lines than circled up for some warm-up: [Read More]

Safety Failure

9 Pax gathered in the gloomy Wolverine parking lot and with no FNGs, we are off. Fellowship jog to school entrance for a basic warm up of SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Good Mornings Thang 1 Split into 2 groups and go in different directions for a different exercise, meet back in the middle for a Mary variation and then flapjack Merkins, Squats, LBCs and LSFs for round 1 Diamond merkins, jump squats, Freddie Merc and Hammers for round 2 [Read More]