The Hills have Ayes

19 HIMs took on the challenge at the versatility that is A Team. We started with the Pledge, then the disclaimer for our lone FNG, and circled up for a bit of: SSH Good mornings Hill Billies Cotton Pickers Sir Fazio 10 burpees because BURPEES!!! Thang 1 Mosey from the parking lot, stop by the picnic area for some quick Dips and L/R step ups x 15. Continue mosey to bottom of Hill 1. [Read More]

what happened to a low key AO?

What the heck, Darn near 30 pax at FOD! PROBLEMACTIC - Addition by Division? May be time… Nonetheless was an epic morning so let’s get after it! Go Time 0545 Jog down across to other parking lot around the pickle and back past the flag SSH x 25 (IC) Merkins x 15 (IC) Peter Parker x 15 (IC) Plank Jacks x 20 (IC) Parker Peter x10 (IC) The Thang: Partner up Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 LBC Repeato 3x Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, and sideways crawl to past the flag The Thang Duo: Partner back up with same partner for Rocks and Squats Partner 1 rocks to failure, Partner two run 3 yards do squats/return Curls, Press, Skulls, Row Repeato 2x The Thang Tre: Same Partner Pull ups 5x each Repeato 2x Mary J Lo x20 (IC) LBC x20 (IC) Announcements [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

Merkins and Mary, what more do you need?

Empty spaces in the Q sheets hurt my soul…and aggravate my CDO (we’ll see how many of you get that one). Must. Sign. Up. Thanks, Hot Spot. At least it makes Q shopping easier. “Oh look, I’m the Q, I guess I should go there”. Enough rambling, here’s what we did on a gorgeous May Day morning as the first of two full moons set (Werewolf plug). The Warm-up (Beaker’s Beginnings) [Read More]

That's not what the finest soccer pitches in NW Cary on a Thursday morning were designed for.....

Flying Circus 04/18 Another beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. Driving in without my regular clown-car-compatriots, I wondered who would show for todays installment at FC…..of course 10 of Cary’s finest HIM turned in for a beatdown from YHC. Here’s what we did: Run to main entrance & circle up 20 SSH; 10 windmills; 10 GM’s; 20 IW’s; 20 plankjacks; 20 mountain climbers Abbey road lunge walks - back and forth 13’s - Kerb / bear crawl / Derkin Run to SOCCER PITCHES: [Read More]

Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s. Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few. 36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS. 28 actually got to listen to the music. We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center. Warm Up SSH Imperial Walkers [Read More]


Here’s some maths knowledge for y’all - and why on Earth we would do anything as stupid (completely, utterly…?) as incorporate a Fibonacci sequence into a workout. For those of you who have been at this awhile, you may have experienced the Nautilus, a workout that starts at the center of something and spirals outward. A nautilus is a natural embodiment of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical expression that refers to the ratio of two addends to their sum and each other. [Read More]

A Pierogi Confession

To whit: I had not, to date, really tried to deliver a good ol’, shut yo’ mouth F3 beatdown so when the SNS Twitter handle kindly reminded YHC of the Q the next day, that’s what I vowed to try and do. If the other PAX feel even a small fraction as sore as I do this afternoon, success! Warmup SSH Sir Fazio & claps Cotton pickers Thang: Form into 3 lines and scout run to the end of the main road through Bond (sprint to the light post) Recover care of Jack Webb 1:4 Merkins:Air presses Catch Me Indian Run to main parking lot (5 DM when peeling off) Recover with Lt Dans 1:4 Squats:Lunges (each leg one) 4 corner escalator (10-20-30-40) - 10x squat - 10x LBC - 10x overhead claps - 10x burpees Bear-crawl inchworm to the end of the parking lot No time for mini-Dora so Mosey back to main parking lot for… High tempo Mary: American Hammers x10 IC Leg Raises x10 IC Heel touches x10 IC LBC x10 IC Boat/canoe x10 Flutter kick IC (each PAX did a 4 count around the COT… ~120 total) COT: Count-a-rama: 22 for SNS and another 8 for Vespers (Hermes, Term Paper, Michelob, Hot Spot +3 others I don’t recall or thought were with SNS the whole time) Announcements: F3 Dads camp: sign up! [Read More]


While listening to the radio recently, I heard a story about the remedial fitness training for new Army recruits. Apparently, modern American culture doesn’t lend itself to producing citizens that meet the Army’s standards - a lot to unpack there. As is the case with most things, I blame millenials. Think about it seriously, though. Pre-WWII, your average Army recruit probably worked A) on a farm or B) in manual labor and I’m pretty sure spent less than 30 minutes a week on screen time in its various iterations. [Read More]

The Nautilus - Writ Large

When YHC’s alarm roused YHC from YHC’s dream about a land where Burpees are always in perfect form and L-R counts as 2 lunges, YHC said to YHC, “YHC, it’s a great day for YHC to have the Q at YHC’s favorite AO at a USA Baseball Complex directly adjacent to a toll Interstate that YHC spends several of YHC’s pretty pennies on. But, what should YHC bring to the party today? [Read More]