As you wish*

Well, a day passed, and so did a year. First post and Q of the new age, at the greatest AO in Downtown Apex on a Thursday morning. Tossed the notion of an EC run out there, and I was joined by the Site Q in training, Sub, and the craziest man in Carpex right now, @djvtec (who has just signed on as the sixth man, on the 6-man 2019 BRR team, aptly named F3 Carpex Pick up the Six (TM) (R). [Read More]

Grace California

AO: Tortoises Date: 1/9/19 PAX**: Free Bird, Earhart, Clementine, Puddles, Ashbury, Trike, Pet Sounds, Sub, Cataracts, Meat Loaf, Crimson, Deuce, Spartan, Frisco, Payback, Dust Bowl, WWW, Yogi, Quiver, Milton Bradley** There was a slight breeze blowing in when I arrived at Tortoises this morning and a silhouette lingering in the lot, solo, yet there. I walked up and had pleasantries with this man and we seemed to have met before, when others start streaming in with faces coming at me in all directions. [Read More]

Colt 45

Figured this was a nice nod to the Marine Corps’ chosen sidearm, the Colt 1911 Marine CQBP M45-A1 .45 ACP Pistol . Here at Full Metal Jacket, we are used to close quarters, and we went into battle today. 2 hearty youth (@michelobcarpex and @sub)joined YHC for 3 extra credit laps around the Salem homestead. FYI, one lap is a little over 1.33miles if you’re looking for extra credit running in the future. [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (1 of 19)

Pre-Blast 10 HIM for the first of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at BH. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the…the site Q didn’t bring out the flag so it wouldn’t get wet?! 10 penalty burpees. Run like 10 yards, circle up for…Smokey and Joe Smith request the shelter for warmups…so we dropped for Superman Holds and WWII sit-ups. We also did a few GMs. The Thang Do a Murph (run to Baucom Elem. [Read More]


When you arrive at Tortoises early you have to join Theismann in ECPs. Spartan, MaBell, Red Ryder and Theismann were already knocking them out, so I did a couple sets with them. I had prepared music to last 52 minutes, so at 5:23am the mellow piano of Floyd Cramer (playlist is below) greeted the 29 PAX as they stumbled in from the gloom. At 5:30 we moseyed over to the front lot, circled up and did: [Read More]

Finish Strong

With all the other Monday AOs starting at 05:30, A-Team was the last chance to post in Carpex in 2018. 13 men showed up ready to Finish Strong! Warm-Up Mosey towards the shelter at the back of the park, stopping along the way for imperial walkers, side straddle hops, standard merkins and prisoner squats. The Thang In the shelter grab some bench for irkins, ALRSUs, dips, ALRSUs and derkins x 20. [Read More]

The Forgotten Hill

22 PAX of all ages, shapes and sizes gathered in the warm, moist gloom of Apex Nature park for a beat down of epic proportions. Little did they know. Warm up Allegiance is pledged, then mosey to the basketball court for SSHs, cotton pickers, good mornings, hill billies, 10 burpees and merkins (on my down AND up). The Thang At the first entrance is where we begin Double 11s. Monkey Humpers here, Peter Parker merkins at the second entrance. [Read More]

Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it. Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late). [Read More]

Q What You Hate

This Christmas Eve morning beatdown and 2ndF that followed was one of the most enjoyable mornings YHC has had over the past (almost) 4 years! Must be the advent season! After a shoutout by Disco Duck on Slack, YHC went to work planning this beatdown (circa 1930 the night before). 23 Pax in all. Lots came stampeding in from the EC run. YHC had no gloves (because YHC was planning to fartsack being out in Durham at his father in law’s for Christmas) [Read More]

24 - 16 (now)

32 including 1 FNG (Liverpool’s brother) PREBLAST: Kentucky vs UNC this evening at 5:15 pm on CBS, Kentucky and UNC have met 39 times since 1924. UNC leads the series 24 wins to Kentucky’s 15 The series between two of the most victorious college basketball programs of all-time, Kentucky (1st) and North Carolina (3rd), as of the writing of this preblast. WARMUP: SSH x 24 Kentuckys (similar to Imperial Walkers) x 15 [Read More]