Weird Stuff

Callahan put out the call for a substitute… and you KNOW I can’t resist the chance to Mr. Garvey a workout. I promised Prodigal on Slack that I wouldn’t do weird stuff, but then I looked in the mirror. Time for an exicon deep-dive. FNG Check - Disclaimer - Fair Warning on weird stuff - Let’s Go Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Finkle Swings. Lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

Slow Roast Chicken

This was Q #5 and I keep thinking about what makes for a good beat down. If yesterday at BH was a pan-seared steak and then put in the oven to finish, today was all about the slow cook, a nice crockpot set on the counter emitting aromas that fill the house with love and warmth. Hanson and YHC showed up for EC and ECP respectively. If you ever have a chance to run some EC with Hanson you won’t regret the push and the fellowship. [Read More]

A Beautiful Mind

It was a beautiful morning for work out that scored a 9/10 on the Cataract’s Scale of Workouts. I am truly humbled by that score and will strive for the perfect score soon. 25 HIMs showed up for a fun time at the Peak of Good Living’s best down town park. When I start thinking about the workouts I want to put together, the stream of thoughts that sends me down these random paths of connections. [Read More]

We Don't Need No Stinking P

Eight PAX gathered in the well-lit gloominess of St. Mary Magdalene church. It was just above the freezing mark, the temperature dropping more than the Steve had predicted at 9:00 pm the night before. Sour Mash gives the disclaimer, and with the freshly painted Lion’s Den shovel flag firmly anchored in the cold turf, we pledge our allegiance. Warm Up Mosey around the lot, with some backwards running, high knees, and butt kickers. [Read More]

Woke Up Without a Plan

When I announced what we were doing this morning I was accused of waking up without a plan. Not true, I knew two weeks ago I was borrowing this workout from Banjo. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me. Warm-Up Mosey down the road by the pond and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, and because no one except Old Maid was counting loud enough for YHC to hear, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]


60 degrees. Dry. No wind. 15 dudes. 5 or 6 for EC run. Burt subbing for Half (get well, bro) on the Q Disclaimer, Mission, Safety were covered Warm Up Prisoner run to the big (dark…property mangers please reset your timers on DST Sunday) parking lot. Circle up for squats, Merkins with calf stretch, SSH, Hillbillies, Burt Jacks (perhaps we will do Burt Jack Webb’s at some point), Good Mornings. Most on Cadence, some on down and one on a down and up call. [Read More]

Oh So Vanilla

When the temps dip down below freezing, it doesn’t take as much convincing to stay in the ol’ fartsack. Except when you’ve signed up to Q, and your M is planning to ride with you to FiA. And when you’re bursting with excitement at the opportunity to bring out some of the old favorites. Sixteen HIMs at the flag, including one FNG - disclaimer is exclaimed, allegiance is pledged, and we take a warmup lap around the soccer field. [Read More]

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S. Lewis

It was cold, the fart sack temptation was real, and every day we are faced with decisions that will impact our end changes, but also change the story of those around us. Maybe we speed up and block the car from merging in because they didn’t wait their turn (zipper merge is scientifically proven to be more effective…another discussion for another time), we walk the cart back into the store, or when we ask somehow their day is going we actually stop and listen because we want to know and we didn’t just ask because it is what you are supposed to do in the break room at work. [Read More]

Fellowship Light Poles w/ Some WW2s

One year ago I showed up at Full Metal Jacket not knowing what to expect. Callahan was the Q that memorable day and the first exercise was a partner-carry with Freebird. There was running on the baseball field, BTTW, and bear crawl 7s on a hill. I never thought I’d last another beatdown, let along a full year. In an effort to make a memorable year anniversary Q, here we go… [Read More]

5k for Hares this AM

The rain stopped, the temperature stayed warm-ish, and the wind died down for 6 pax to run some 11s, Hills, and a tour of downtown Apex. 3 for EC (2 for ECP and 1 for EC) - YHC, Hanson, and Yogi 0530 - Yogi gave a disclaimer schooled us on the mission and 5 core principles of F3 The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. [Read More]