Don't call Bulgarian Splits Squats with Steaks in the house....

You’ll have to keep reading to find out why the title is what it is! Good news for you is that this will be a quick read! A thin crowd was coming together for F3 as the FIA ladies collected – they outnumbered us by 3 or 4X! I guess the spring break excuse only applies to the men of F3…. ’nouf said. 6 men started the session with our mission & the pledge. [Read More]

St. Paddy's Day at Lion's Den

With better weather than yesterday or tomorrow (cloudy and 40s versus storms), an insider’s scoop preblast from the site Q, and the opportunity to start off St. Paddy’s Day at St. Mary Magdalene’s, the chances were good for a decent turnout at Lion’s Den. As I tried to put together a decent routine to match, I thought to myself that things could get interesting, depending on how many people wear green. [Read More]

Piranha Park Pyramids

Forgetting to have picked the Q at last weeks Piranha Park’s hard launch as per site tradition, the Q was chosen at the popup Stone Cutters AO this past Wednesday. YHC had about 3 days to plan what is only my 3rd Q for a 60-minute boot camp. Inspiration struck when I saw the Carpex Core Challenge for the day was an 18-exercise pyramid (thanks Prodigal). Warmups Cloudy and 60 degrees. [Read More]

Fellowship sprints

Today’s workout brought to you by Google & F3 Memphis. As in… “Hey Google… find me some F3 track workouts”. F3Memphis pops up with this: Take a little bit of this, leave a little bit of that, and modify with a dollop of CARPEx-ness and we’re ready to go. A beautiful morning out today. A sliver moon, clear skies, a few stars punching through all the parking lot lights. Just about the perfect temperature too. [Read More]

Quickies by St. Mary's

It’s late and it’s been a long week already but today’s Lion’s Den participants deserve a BB. Even if it’s a quick one. After all, everyone today demonstrated that, when asked, they can be very very quick. Warm-up GM, IW, Sir Fazio, HB, Overhead Claps, SSH Thangs First, mosey to the bottom of the sets of hills to the North (or West) of St Mary’s. Been here before. These hills are short and sweet. [Read More]

Moving on to Plan E

Have I told you how sick I am of cold, rainy weather? Luckily today we were expecting highs to get into the 60s. With sunshine. WITH SUNSHINE!!! However this morning, it was still 30s and the ground was wet from rain we’ve had in the past 1,231 hours. Six for EC run of about 3 miles. Return to the flag, and I initially thought I was in the wrong place. Maybe I should post at DTP a little more often - apparently it’s now the place to be in Downtown Apex on Tuesdays at 0530. [Read More]

Clockwork VQ at the Wild Wild West

My first post was at Lion’s Den on a Wednesday the week before Thanksgiving 2020, so I’ve been at F3 for a little over 3 months…and with 3 Q school sessions under my belt (shout-outs to Ma Bell, Disco Duck, and Red Ryder), I guess it was about time I tried my hand at Qing. Arrival and warmup When your Nantan pre-blasts a VQ, I guess 19 guys (and 1 canine) show up to set a new site record, even on a 33-degree Monday morning with chance of rain. [Read More]

A Pickle-y Good Time

A baker’s dozen collected at the flag at 0530 for a moist adventure through some of the finest pickles on the POGL side of Carpex. Disclaimer given, first exercise is Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the church entrance and circle up. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Burpees just because, Standard Merkins, Runners stretch, calf stretch, and Steve Earles. Pickle Thangs At the parking lot adjacent to the school, we run the various pickles that we are blessed to have. [Read More]

The Pain of Victory

YHC generally likes to plan a pattern or theme to Q’s to aid in poor memory and develop some flow within the workout. Today’s inspiration cam from Monday nights College Football National Championship game. A high scoring game with some ok decently suited acronyms laid the ground work for an Q. But I couldn’t remember the order of scoring and TD vs FG so I arrived at Hot for Teacher a little early with some sidewalk chalk in hand to sketch out my weinke along the path. [Read More]


On Monday this week, Slim Shady made me a deal that if I Qed Lion’s Den, he would go ahead and get on the Q sheet for Wild Wild West. So here we are. I had thought about just running back last week’s Back In Black Q, but that seemed like cheating and then the M decided last night was a good time to take down the Christmas decorations, so I never did get a chance to put the thought I wanted to into the plan, but BLIMPS was close enough to last week so there it was. [Read More]