We was a runnnnning

Monday Morning. Little bitty stingy rain. 5:30 announcement. Introduced myself, gave the disclaimer and we are off. Headed down the path to the amphitheater, and a quick HALT. Place is a flooded. Nothing like 20 seconds in and calling an audible. Turn around and head out to the main road and take alternate path to the Theater. After dodging puddles, uneven ground, and no entry signs we made our way in front of the stage. [Read More]

Wow! That's a long hill!

What’s a good way to prepare for the BRR AND enhance overall stamina and endurance at Flirtin’ With Disaster?? The hill on Cary Parkway, of course. But you can’t just run the hill, you’ve got to throw in some exercises as well. All FWD regulars are intimately familiar with this hill, and it shows up in probably 1/4 or more of the workouts, and normally stopping at designated lightposts for Merkins, or Burpees, etc. [Read More]

Round and Round

A Baker’s Dozen, including one FNG, converged on Hunter Street Park, unaware of what YHC had in store for the Thursday edition of Ryder-versary week. They were soon to find out. Warm Up Pledge allegiance with an even dozen, then mosey to the parking lot for more stuff. Circle up, and after SSHs, Cotton pickers and the first half of Sir Fazio, Khakis joins in the fun. We complete Sir Fazio, then knock out 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

FWD Backblast

YHC (anonymous) wants to track his workouts so he’s posting this backblast in order to mark that he was there. QIC doesn’t write backblasts for some reason. Run to office park we go to when it rains Warmup Partner up - P1 run around the building, P2 bear crawl 15/merkin 5 around the fountain - flapjack x 3 or 4 times. In parking garage lunge walk P1 / 6" leg hold P2 Run back to parking lot Mary stuff NMS: 1 pax is missing, sorry! [Read More]

Hi Tempo with a side of Burpees

It wasn’t too hot, but it was about 1000% humidity as 14 HIMs braved the Booth to get Monday started the right way. Warm up Pledge allegiance, then mosey over to the Booth parking lot for SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio forward and back, overhead claps, and imperial walkers. The Thang Four Corners/The Cooper Hybrid At each corner of the lot, we will complete 10 burpees/10 prisoner squats/10 CDDs/10 Peter Parkers. [Read More]

Site Q Duty

Maybe Hi-liter thinks it is at 5:45? Maybe he is late? He has been here for a 5:30 start. Humm, I guess we will stay close in case he is late. Hi-liter leads a lot so when his alarm didn’t go off and he was a no-show for FWD I was happy to step up and exercise my Site Q duty to lead the Q. Warm Up - Run and circle up by the park back to the flag for for SSH, GM, Merkins, Hill Billies, PJ, MC [Read More]

5 Burbees OYO

Pre-Blast 13 lean mean running machines convened at Kryptonite for a sweatier-then-normal high tempo jaunt through the darker-every-day gloom that enveloped CarPex’s exclusive AO designed to push even the most elite athletes to grow stronger by challenging themselves and one another to go further and faster than they ever have or thought they could because they had inadvertently placed self-imposed limits that God wants for them to break. The Warmup [Read More]

Dora at the Diamond

It was a special type of Tank Top Thursday at Bounty Hunters as a few followed in the footsteps of Cameron Poe played by the electrifying Nicolas Cage and wore sleeveless undershirts. Well… his picture electrified Slack for about 10 minutes anyway. In all, about half of us were in tanks so a good showing. We Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and then moseyed over to nice spot between Apex Town Hall and Apex Community Center to get warmed up. [Read More]

Up and Over

No rain, no gloves, 16 pax (17 by 0545), 1 FNG: Pin-up, 1 disclaimer. And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… My backblast! Warm Up Do I have to say? 10 Good Morning, 15 Hillbilly, 20 Merkins, 25 Side Straddle Hops Thang 1 - muscles Grab a partner and both grab a rock 100 Curls / 100 Tricep Extensions / 100 Should Presses - alternating 10 reps while your accountability partner makes sure you’re doing good reps. [Read More]

Thank you for your high-tempo leadership or Not

Date: July 23, 2018 Weather: 71 degrees, humid, rain over night, heat lightening, dry (just like the bite). Yesterday morning I noticed that the Q for K-Nite was open. Saw this as an opportunity to lead and more importantly to write the three Back Blasts I owed the men before I Q’ed again. Wrapped them up yesterday and planned yet another vanilla workout. 16 Pax answered the bell for another in a long line of vanilla clusters. [Read More]