ATMs, The #4, 8-Count Absolution

5 for a Largemouth EC run with an a little extra on the front end and a little less on the back end. Michelob, Denali, Chanticleer and YHC all followed. 5 x 2 for the Main Event **Warm Up **Mosey across the street for some Good Mornings, Windmill, SSH, Imperial Walkers. Mosey to the large parking lot **Thang 1 **ATMs in all four corners. Alternating Shoulder Taps x15 IC, Tempo Merkins x10, Merkins x5. [Read More]

Alarmed and ALARMs

It was Sunday evening and I checked Hotspot’s Q announcements and was surprised to see my name. Oh that’s right, Denali asked me to sign up. I got on Strava and looked at segments around Regency and even looked at the Exicon. 3 for the Prerun Warmup - Run over to the big parking lot for SSH, IWs, Merkins, Plank Jacks, and good mornings. Burt helped remind me to say recover. [Read More]

Bringing Sally Up

A F3 mentor taught me long ago to only Q what you can do. A nice catchy phrase and one that I have tried to adhere to. I believe as the Q it’s important to lead by example in attitude, effort and execution of all exercises called. When a man volunteers to lead other men he wants to be his best on that day in every way he can. Ideally all of the above falls in place for every Q everyday. [Read More]

Last Minute Q-Omaha

13 PAX gathered, and some were hoping for a Squatter Q. Others got the Slack message the Squats would be resting up for the Maynard and YHC would be jumping in with quotes and 100’s and other fun stuff. Several (I believe 5) for pre-run. No FNGs. Thang - Jog to Chanticleers for a standard warm-up and some merkins. Then for some light pole fun. 3 hand release merkins (signature move! [Read More]

Super Bowl After-Party

“Never miss a Monday.” Very popular saying in the Fern setting workout crowds………….except for the Monday following Super Bowl. IT must be the same for F3, because I seriously doubt that anyone is intentionally avoiding my Q’s. Right, Shutty-Cakes. A whole touchdown worth of people. Only 17 people short of the total amount of points scored by my beloved Wolfpack on Saturday. Word on the street is they were out late shutting in down at East Village Friday night. [Read More]


Peek at Google maps + Skipping EC for Recon = An excellent plan for SWW. Term Paper didn’t let me off thaaaaat easy though! Props for that EH into a .8 mile EC to catch the EC 6. Here we go! No FNGs (but a few new faces for YHC). FOLLOW ME. Quick lap around the parking lot and weave through the basketball court to the greenway entrance lot. Circle up for: [Read More]

Run and DMC

I don’t mind cold weather so long as I don’t have to scrap frost off my windshield. What does that have to do with the workout? Nothing, except that it was cold. It was cold until we got going. But how far were we going? All the way to CC Jones park. This is great little park for both workouts and for the family. Definitely recommend taking the family there if you are in the area. [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (3 of 19)


  • 11 HIM for the third of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at SWW.
  • 1 for EC
  • 2 for EC + EC
  • 8 for Coffee with Oofta (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run to the playground, circle up for a few GMs, SSH, Merkins.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (run out and back .5 miles).
  • Run back to the playground
  • Mary: H2M, Side Plank Star Crunches


62 degrees with a 100% chance of rain

Its not often that a January 24th morning becomes a Tank Top Thursday. With a mixture of high temps, driving wind and non-stop rain,12 warriors departed the shovel flag, forming three 4-man indian run groups. Warm up - circle up at Thales parking lot 15 Side shuttle hops 15 Imperial Walkers 7 Good mornings 15 standard merkins 15 Mountain Climbers 10 Burpees OYO Back to the indian run groups, head to the pond in the Villages of Apex [Read More]

I would have stayed in bed, but...

It was a brisk, dark, chilly morning at Flirtin’ With Disaster. One stalwart HIM, Chipper, got in a little EC run while the rest of us slowly made our way to the parking lot. Well, most of us were slow, one of us were late. Everyone loves that late guy! It’s 5:30 AM and we slow mosey out of the park across the street and into the large Lowes parking lot for: [Read More]