Figure 8 and some healthy competition

Who doesn’t love to get pushed by their brothers? 16 HIM pushed and pulled each other along at GT. Warm-up: Mosey to the greenway parking lot for some cadence-counted Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Calf stretches, Merkins, and Side Straddle Hops. Thang 1: Burpee-intervals, with the winner of each interval earning the chance to rest and pick up the six. But mostly we saw Beaker’s back. Then a group run to the figure-eight flagpole. [Read More]

2020...Year of the Absolution

Small crowd for Insomnia this morning: YHC, Michelob, Largemouth, GTL, Callahan & Beaker. 5:45. Disclaimer was “given.” Vespers go left, SNS’ers went right. Off to the grassy area behind Senior Center & Circle Up. Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Overhead Clap. Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Steve Earle, Mnt. Climber, Absolution. [Q NOTE: The Absolution is a simple 8 count exercise that I will continue to call at all of my Qs until all PAX present at the afore mentioned Qs knows how to do it and can perform 10 flawless reps. [Read More]

Running vanilla

This was YHC’s 1st ever post at FMJ, though he’d been onsite for many workouts. YHC figured he stick with what he knows. Strap on those running shoes, here we go. Run towards the track, stopping on the way for a whole lot of mumblechatter and 10 SSH (IC) 10 Imperial Walkers (IC) 10 Good Mornings (IC) 10 Hackeysacks (IC) 10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC) 10 Calf Stretch 5L, 5R (IC) [Read More]

The Real Sumo Squat

Pre-Blast 21 for 3.2 miles of pearls on a string at Krypto The Warmup & Thang Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run up to Enderlee pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Left on Enderlee. Run down to Regency pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Run to the parking lot hill pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. [Read More]

Cluster 1 of 20

14 men, inlcuding an FNG - Rob Hann - hereafter named Shoe Horn, participated in a fitness event at North Cary Park otherwise known Danger Zone. It was 49 degrees, a little damp and otherwise a nice morning. The group gathered at the flag for small talk. BTW: Several men, perhaps Flacco and Rob were in the the old Site Q’s (me) parking spot. Tighten up. Disclaimer. Disclaimer and Notice F3 Nation, Inc. [Read More]

Thank you for your [Carpex] leadership [challenge]

Here’s a dang shame, but one I’m HIM enough to admit: it took me until this morning to post at Hells Bells, and I showed up to check a box for the Carpex leadership challenge. But in the process, I fell in love with one of the finest got danged AO’s in all of Carpex. Seriously, this place is the cat’s PJs. YHC, Snots and Yahoo… or was it Wahoo… I never know… took off for some EC. [Read More]

5 Years............and Counting

Hit the PAX with a challenge to post at Kryptonite on the Slacks. And a special request to the 8 other Pax that attended my first workout, 7 of the 8 were there (Burt - Q, Wonderbread, Denali, Hotspot, Michelob, Franklin, and MaBell). Surcharge was unable to make it, although I am not sure he received my request. Anyways, 27 total showed up to see if I learned anything in the past 5 years…………. [Read More]

Blair Witch Project, DQ and Merlot - 11/18/19 - Kryptonite

Several guys did an EC run, I think it was Michelob, Squatter, GTL, Denali and Oofta. Hello Kitty and YHC did an EC scouting run. 15 were present at 5:30, a brief disclaimer was disclaimed and follow me.. The Warmup: Jog up Regency Parkway, make a right into the gravel driveway into the woods. Circle up in the power line right of way for some warm-up activities. The Thang: Jog into the woods behind the little cell tower thing and find the trail. [Read More]

Run Out of Ideas? Just call Merkins

Preamble Disco Duck put out the challenge on Thursday. “Who’s man enough to Q The Green Mile?” Well hell, being RESPECT Week and all, I can’t ignore something like that. So sign up I did. With the Nation converging in Pinehurst, I started crootin’. Got a couple of nibbles on Slack and lo and behold, 9 of us showed up for Carpex’ premier 90 minute AO on a Saturday morning (notwithstanding Whiplash which is not actually in Carpex - unless Shutty has declared Imminent Domain on that bitch. [Read More]