A Good A Spot As Any

EC Run @ 5:10: YHC, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Denali, Chipper, Hermes, Build-a-Bear, Term Paper Lately I’ve been curious what a workout might look like if we never leave the Warm-Up Circle. Today we found out. To help, I brought some fun toys to play with. An agility ladder, jump rope, 40lb sand bag w/ handles and a 30lb sand bag w/o handles. 5:44:30 I give the disclaimer to FNG Cheese Pelt. 5:45:00 we run 50 yards from the upper parking lot to the lower parking lot. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Dumpster Diving - F3 style

15 PAX with no FNGs. Disclaimer given regardless, although the pre-workout mumble chatter was in full force Mozy to the middle school and circle up after I recover music set up from strategic location SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Fazios, overhead claps, reverse Fazios x 12 Yogurkins x10 with a low plank hold on the last one (exercise performed with a 10 count) Thang 1 Dumpster Dive 20 each Diamond-merkins, Imperial-walkers, V-ups, Elbows-to-knees [Read More]

Get your flow on

Five stalwarts ignored the impending rain and the specter of a Bartman Q to post at A-Team. It always rains at A-Team. YHC had visited the beach twice this weekend, once for business and once for pleasure. On the second trip, I was thinking “man, I’m really looking forward to BroGa tomorrow.” Then I remembered I had the Q. Well, if I couldnt’t go to BroGa, maybe I could bring some BroGa to Carpex. [Read More]

The Games We Play

With Tour de Carpex in full swing, you just never know what kind of crowd you’re going to see. So I was pleasantly surprised when the cars kept rolling in and the PAX kept rolling out, including a nice group from Raleigh. Of course this also means the mumble chatter will be on high, but nothing YHC couldn’t take care of with a little beatdown. So after I greeted our FNG (Welcome Fiddler) we were off with a short josey over to the baseball field. [Read More]

So I guess it's official now

About six weeks ago I started swimming in my neighborhood pool on Thursday mornings. Five weeks ago I posted it on Slack for anyone to join me. Just two weeks ago Flacco showed up. Today, Flacco returned and both Theisman and Riptide made an appearance and when the workout was over Riptide posted on Slack that the “Inaugural Pool workout” launched. So like I said, I guess it’s official now. [Read More]

Half Krypto Anny

As mentioned above, today marks my one year anniversary of Kryptonite and joining F3. I will save my sappy BB for tomorrow on my actual anniversary. Pretty much did the same workout from a year ago, thanks Shutty! Below is Shutty’s back blast, with my edits. See strikethroughs and words in Italics. Oldies vs Youngies MostFit vs DadBods July 17, 2017 Shut-InKryptoniteAspartame, Burt, Chanticleer, Coney, Denali, Half, Largemouth, Michelob, Pet Sounds, Shut-In, Tenderfoot, Texas Ranger12 PAX decided to get up 15 minutes early this morning. [Read More]

Several Title Options

On the drive home I started to think about what I wanted to title this BB, but I had too many possibilities running through my head. I didn’t think it would be fair to just pick one, so feel free to chose your favorite. Oh you’re saying Lou’s. I thought you were saying Lose. (see below) Blisters Installed Here If we were on American Ninja Warrior our shirts would say F3 Ninja That was the “Worst Thing Ever! [Read More]

Heading for the hill

Executive Summary We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count… Warm-up Started of with the Pledge of Allegiance. As we were about to set off, Clementine pulled in late so the PAX did burpees while we waited for him to get set. Once he joined, we all did another 10 burpees for good measure. [Read More]

"PLAY BALL!" A Birthday Q Story

A couple of months ago YHC thought it was only right to honor the Carpex tradition of Qing on your Birthday, so I signed up for a Friday, July 6th Q at the infamous Slippery When Wet. Why is it infamous? Well, legend has it that back in the 80s Bon Jovi’s tour bus broke down as it was passing through Cary in the early morning hours. Back then, Cary was just a zygote that would later develop into the boisterous town we now know. [Read More]