Watch Out For The Dog Jogger

3.5 mile EC run with YHC, Hermes, Build-A-Bear and Largemouth. No FNGs, but I meet Titanic and Daisy (as in the B.B. gun) Rolling Stone was supposed to make an appearance, but when we started there was no Bartman to be found. Later in the workout, a strange and mysterious light kept appearing on the bridge. Some thought it was a walker, or a biker, others a runner, still others a dog jogger. [Read More]

Stop #3 on The Pain Stick Express

So when Build-A-Bear messaged me on Monday to “ask” me to incorporate the pain sticks into my Q on Wednesday, of course I said yes. You’ve seen him right? So with my original workout put back on the shelf for another day, I started drawing up some new plans. Big group this morning of Insomniacs, Vesperers and SNSers. The boot campers broke off and headed toward the community center to find the afore mentioned pain sticks waiting for them. [Read More]

The BEST Stretch

Pre-Blast 23 HIM converged at FMJ for some work. 9 for IR Bruisers. Burbeez are the BEST stretch. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run around the school, paint the lines. Circle up for: 50 Burbeez. Run to Hill #1, discover the Pain Stix. The Thang****s 7s on the hill - Worst Burbee Evers at the top (a Burbee with a Pain Stick Military Press) and Pain Stick V-Ups at the bottom. [Read More]

Boots ta Boot

What a day, what a day! YHC grabbed the Q spot at DP and longing awaited the chance to head west for all 3 F’s with the Apex pax. With YHC’s alarm set for 0430, here goes. Arrive early for EC pull-ups with GTL, Theismann, Rooney and Frisco. Aeorsmith was there as well and Steve Tyler rocked us during our sets. Great work men. The rest of the reg-U-lars arrived and I’m looking at 30 pax for this beat down (has to be the most in Carpex today, right? [Read More]

8/8/18 Maynard

> View the Strava Flyby We ran out of the parking lot, Right on High House Left on Maynard Stopped for refreshments at the water tower (TY4YL Hermes) Left on High House Left in the park back to the flag. 10.7 Miles NMS: Build-a-Bear did the Maynard CCW AND the beatdown!? We didn’t lose anyone although it was close Sky Blue found a shortcut It was humid (believe it or not! [Read More]

McCants Tribute

YHC told the PAX last night that today’s workout would be a tribute to our brother McCants, who is down in Wilmington recovering from a fall this weekend. Some thought that meant a Murph, but no, it just meant we were all going to give it 110%. Warm-Up Mosey over to the front of the school and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers and cotton pickers. The Thang [Read More]

The Calm Before The Storm

I honestly couldn’t think of a title for today’s workout, and Disco Duck said this while we were warming up w/o kettlebells, so I thought, why not. There’s nothing like throwing around heavy pieces of steel at 5:30 in the morning, so let’s get started. We circled up for a little warm up, both with and without our kettlebells. Warm Up w/o KB Good Morning, Windmill, Imperial Walker, SSH, Arm Circles & Claps [Read More]

He Missed The Warm-Up Spot

EC Run: YHC & Water Wings EC Pull-ups: Goose, Ma Bell, Rooney, WWW, Cataracts, Theisman EC Mumble Chatter: Crimson, Nature Boy I was impressed with the group of HIM out there this morning. We had EC runners, EC pull-upers, Traffic Cone (who I was meeting for the first time,) Blueprint (who hasn’t been out in awhile,) and it’s always great to see Snots getting after it. No FNGs so off we go. [Read More]

This anniversary beatdown brought to you by the number 11

Today is my 1-Year F3 Anniversary!!!! First post was a year ago today at Flirtin’ with Disaster. Funny story about that…… Blue Water EH’d me, but due to a mix-up, I posted in Carpex and he posted in South Wake. Joe Smith was was the Q that morning. It was his VQ, and I learned who “Dora” is, and how to get to the “Bridge of Pain.” Sosa and I were both named after COT. [Read More]

Billy Run The Back Way

Gotta be honest, YHC was a little nervous headed into this morning’s workout. I’ve Q’ed a million times, but this was my first hour long solo Q. Could I handle the extra fifteen minutes? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Face the Flag for the Pledge, then take a lap around the parking lot before circling up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and burpees. The Thang Mosey out to the park entrance and travel along High House Road to the other entrance, stopping at each light pole for ten merkins, then continue down Bond Park Drive to the Lazy Days Playground, stopping at every other light pole for ten squats. [Read More]