Q School

First, let me start with what we did NOT do. I got a little flustered right at the start as I was introducing myself to Backporch only to realize that it was already 5:45 on the ol’ Garmin. You can’t be tardy to Q School! Let’s Go! So here’s what you missed… a quiz about the formerly most famous Q of them all. Q Nowadays the anonymous Q is probably more famous but for men of a Meh-generation… and of a particularly nerdy disposition… this guy was the man! [Read More]

Leg Day @ Wolverine!

Was pleasantly surprised when I checked the weather this morning – phone said it wasn’t raining! Yeah! However, when getting outside it was misting just enough to continue our amazing streak of wetness…. anyway we do say we love the gloom… Here’s what went down at Wolverine this moist morning: Gather at the flag – no FNGs but I got to meet Back Porch – he has posted 3 days in a row after finding F3 last week – way to go! [Read More]

Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Weather: clear, brisk 29 degrees. Scene at 5:43 a.m.: 16 dudes gathered around (a couple even performed Insomnia before the Main Event). YHC was standing in the center of the circle on his used-new Flip Flop door mat gifted from Burt. One of the 16 dudes was FNG Anthony, EH’d by Captain Kirk, who rode in on his 10 speed. There stood FNG Anthony; holding a water bottle, and dressed very warmly in 4 layers up top, and 3 layers down low (as you would if you just biked in 29 degree weather). [Read More]

1 new AO; 8 new PAX

This is what I love about our growing region. Today I went to Winterfell for the first time (which by the way is a great AO. Well done Rooney) and met 8 new PAX. Carpex is a big beautiful world, if you’re not traveling around to different sites and meeting these new guys you’re missing out. YHC, One Direction, Cosmo, Houdini, Nope, Scapula and My Little Pony for the EC Army PT Test. [Read More]

Coffee's for Closers or Coffee's Closer?

Even as I type this back blast, Prodigal is still doing LBCs… For quite some time now, my Tuesday morning coffeeteria involves driving from Disturbing the Peace in downtown Apex to WZ by Full Metal Jacket and joining up with the already established fellowship taking place. It’s hard breaking into that camping chair circle when you arrive late, so the only way to beat ‘em, is to join ‘em. Not to mention, I drive by FMJ just to get to DTP, so when Orphan threw out the bat signal for people to step up and Q, it was a no brainer. [Read More]

Angst rock

Low mileage workouts are not usually my thing. And Qing them especially not. But that’s the fun bit about the CARPEx Challenge. You get to push boundaries and explore new things. This was probably the Q I prepped for more than most recent ones. My main goal was to keep the running to 0 so lots of time to fill. Hope the boys enjoyed. EC: Went for a little run beforehand. [Read More]

Feels Like NASCAR

It was indeed a great day to get up and workout in the early morning gloom! It was also YHC’s first time of leading a high tempo beatdown. So I had been looking forward to that, as well as receiving an FMJ camo koozie at the end, I’m not gonna lie! So after everyone arrived and stretched out: the runners came in, YHC gave the disclaimer, led the Pledge, and we were off! [Read More]

You got anything better?

Solo EC run to check out the AO Bolton’s 2.0 a(nd FNG) Tripp came out to “join” the “fun.” Mosey to the warm-up **Warm-Up **Good mornings; Windmill; SSH: Steve Earles; Mnt. Climbers; Plank Jack **Thang One **Two groups of 5 Indian Run around the neighborhood. Each time the lead runner gets back to the front of the line, stop and complete 1 rep of 3 exercises. Increase the number of reps each time you stop. [Read More]

Welcome back to Ironpax

Weinke Admittedly YHC has only posted at Tortoises once prior to this Q. I am familiar with the site as it’s the closest AO to my house and have been to a Hell’s Bells or 2. Having never Qed a “limited run” workout before, I thought would could work better than an Ironpax inspired workout? Blocks are already on site so it was perfect. I blended weeks 2 and 4 for a special kind of suck. [Read More]

Build-A-Bear says I do CDDs the BEST!

Lonely EC run and a small group this morning. Wrench was already out in the gloom on a 9 miler and Callahan set out for a little appendix-free mosey. We welcome out of towner Fudd, and off we go. **Warm-UP **Mosey down the street for some Good Mornings, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earles, Thrusters, Plank Jack, and Mnt. Climbers. Mosey to Middle school track **Thang One **Starting at the “Twelve O’Clock” position we Prisoner Run around the track stopping at the 3, 6, 9 & 12 positions and completing the same number of reps of called exercises: Diamond Merkin, L/R Jump Lunges, CDDs, Jump Squats. [Read More]