What's Your Kryptonite?

Conditions were 51 degrees, 50% foggy, and 50% gloomy. I inserted a pre-blast for coffeeteria at NY Bagels. Other pre-blast material was request from Burt for Agility City (see original Agility City here: (https://f3carpex.com/2017/05/09/agility-city/) , and a request from Largemouth for EC run because “the QIC was soft”. Of the three pre-blasts, only two were partially true. Then yesterday afternoon, the M informed me we would be hosting the cul-de-sac game night at our house. [Read More]

Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it. Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late). [Read More]

Time trials and tribulations

Yoooooooooo!!! 14 showed up for some high-tempo action and 4 to grab a bruisers beatdown. YHC was set out to prove that you don’t have to go far to go fast. And we’re back… Warm-up: Run around the well-lit school grounds and circle up for SSH, Arm Circles and Overhead Clap Find some curb for QF, CM, MC x3 The Thang: Make our way across the street to the tennis park lots Get a partner with 10 min on the clock for AMRAP Burpees and Pickle Running When done we found that curb again for the QF, CM, MC trifecta Make the move back across the street and find another well-lit lot. [Read More]

HSP Running Circuit

Nice temperature break in the mid-40s for 20 PAX at Hunter Street Park today. Lots to do in the park and throughout downtown Apex at this AO, but the half-mile loop around the athletic fields is a must-do. Here’s how we made use of it. Warm-Up Short jog to parking lot and circle up 20 SSH, IC 15 Hillbillies, IC 20 MCs, IC 20 Wide-grip Merkins 10 Windmills Circuit Run counter-clockwise around 0. [Read More]

The Making of A Champion

The idea for this workout just fell into my lap. On Tuesday, there was some debate on Slack about what it takes to be a champion. Some would posit that showing up and staying makes you a champion. YHC would posit that deciding to get up at butt crack of dawn to attend a workout and sticking around is laudable, but is just a prerequisite to becoming a champion. Since YHC is the QIC, YHC gets to decide what constitutes a champion. [Read More]

The Bay of Fundy

I did something this morning that I have never done. No, not that. I Q’ed an AO where I had never posted. But it was the last one on the list and it needed to be done. And it was fitting that Term Paper was there to present me with the Award for Q’ing all AOs before the end of the year. (Note: One of the statements above is not true. [Read More]

Pick up the S(t)ix

Pre-count off to form Red, Green and Yellow groups. 18 present and no FNGs Thang 1 Brisk mozy to start of the greenway heading back to SWW with Warm up GM x 8 and merkins x 20 along the way. Glow sticks strategically placed on the greenway. When you arrive at your color – 10 merkins (total of 10 stops per color) If you see a blue, bear crawl to the next stick. [Read More]

"Something like" The Beast

Here’s just a few of the Gran Torino Records I set this morning: First EC run (w/ Largemouth, Michelob, Skly Blue and YHC) Most Turkish Get Ups Worst “Beast” 0530 - Meet Roxanne and away we go. Mosey tour of the parking lot and back to the basketball court. Still no Biner (I guess I’m drinking coffee this morning.) Warm Up Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle, Merkin, Mnt. Climber [Read More]

At this rate, we'll never get to the top

So except for the 3 new AOs, Rush Hour was my last site to Q to complete the 2018 Challenge. I had only been to RH one other time, the week before, but it was enough to scout out some locations and get the skinny on how things go down here. I had been told to expect a small group, so I was pleasantly surprised to see 11 other HIMS ready for the beat down. [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

Due to technical issues, there is not a way to have the QIC list both Beaker and YHC as the QIC but he was in the mix and deserves the glory. Warm-up Beaker led all the PAX from the flag over to the other lower parking lot and back again to get the legs moving. Once we circled back up we enjoyed a few other treats: SSH x 20 Windmills x 10 Slow Count Merkins x 10 Good Mornings x 10 Thang 1 [Read More]