It's Gotta be the Shoes

Strava: 17 Pax gathered at Cary’s Koka Booth VIP lot ready for a high tempo beatdown led by YHC (or why else would I be writing the BB?) As the crowd gathered it appeared we’d also have a high tempo mumblechatter kinda morning. And boy did we. 1 FNG, formerly known as “Ken”, now referred to as Snapback was there. He has lived here about a year and was a referral from the Cape Fear boys, where SB used to live. [Read More]

Ditch the Rock and Run the Race!

Showed up for the prerun and they said I could pick the route since I was the Q. Great, I always like doing routes backwards so lets do that! Which one?? Humm, Option 2. I knew that one well. Fast forward 20 minutes or so and I am confidently telling Largemouth that we are looking for a left but we weren’t. We missed the right turn but thankfully Largemouth got us back and only a minute or so late. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

Yeah, I know, another BRR inspired workout

Denali, bless his heart, he means so well, introduced Bagels (owner of Duck Donuts) and Greenbo to all the other pax. That guy has a heart of gold, and a penchant for making good coffee, but more on that later. Thank you for your leadership. Since there are no FNGs, we are off. Mosey to the HCL America parking lot, hopefully we won’t get kicked out, and do a little warmup, various exercises including runners stretch and pigeon pose. [Read More]

Core work at FOD 6-25-19

3 guys did some ECP or something b/c they think South Cary couldnt handle it. I think it started at 5ish. 5:45 - “Disclaimer” was stated, literally. Follow me, the path around the ball fields is closed, like with a fence closed in case you were wondering. Do some penalty burpees for YHC not knowing this. Jog over to the nice soft field and circle up for some warm up stuff. [Read More]

Lots of Thangs to Do

15 pax looked to start off their Friday with a pep in their step. YHC was looking to push us this morning and keep the pax moving through LOTS of Thangs! Callahan and his dumb online poll showed up. Glad to have him out there. 15 pax in all. We ran the bus loops. We circled to the basektball courts We ran the field hills with wall climbers We ran to the shelter We did shelter work We ran a gym lap with playground exercises We did a lot of thangs. [Read More]

There's a fine line between Mumble Chatter and just plain whining.

Because sometimes 0500 is too late, our EC today started at 0450. YHC, Snots, Sub, Parker, Water Wings & Jiggly Puff got dizzy running circles around the track. Welcome to Carpex (from Wake Forest) Kid Rock and his 2.0 Hank Williams Jr. Run to the basketball court to circle up **Warm Up **Good Morning, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Moroccan Night Club, Steve Erale [Read More]

Hey There!

Started the morning with an EC run. I can’t remember who I ran with but while we were running a young man on his bike rode by, stopped and then came back to us and asked if we were with F3. Of course we said yes, told him where to go, and headed to the flag. His hospital name is Niko (with an N) and since he had posted in Davidson, his F3 name is “Hey There. [Read More]

Four More Years!

YHC joined F3 four years ago, and Ma Bell was the Q at my first workout. Back then there was only one AO per day, Monday through Friday, and he was Q’ing the whole week to celebrate his 50th birthday. Remember that number, it will be important later. I found the backblast from that first post and modified the workout for today, with Ma Bell’s assistance. It was a little tougher than a normal Disco Duck beatdown. [Read More]

Lets see what sticks...

YHC had not Q’d since we sent the guys to Peru so I was long overdue. A cool and clear spring morning brought strong numbers out to Salem Elementary. EC guys rolled in with a minute to spare and after a piecemeal disclaimer we began. Warm Up Good Mornings Windmills Sixty Second Arm Circles (Check out the exicon, I think I did them justice but confusion ensued!) Sprinkler (Another exicon gem, looked more like a Heisman pose or awkward prom dance move) [Read More]