The 2nd Most Amazing Workout To Have..... never happened

Yep the weather app stated 11 degrees. At 6:40 a.m. YHC waited for next door neighbor @f3pierogi to emerge. Nothing. Damnation, he fartsacked on his own neighbor. That’s when YHC should have gone into his garage, utilizing Pierogi’s obvious garage code “TCUrulz”, to confiscate all his homebrew. But YHC didn’t. Instead moseyed/slid a couple of blocks to DZ. YHC was nervous. Ice appeared to be covering DZ—potentially spoiling YHCs plan for the 2nd Most Amazing Workout To Have Ever Happened (the 1st Most Amazing was here as written by @mccantscarpex). [Read More]

Stairway to 11's ReMastered Edition

I swear I signed up to Q on a warmer day!? Warm up: Fellowship mosey behind the Vesper Crew. I was secretly hoping to follow them to the park entrance/exit to see if I got any “excited” mumble-chatter. The best I got was a few pax followed them when they headed towards the kiosk thinking they were the bootcamp. Finish the mosey at the intersection 20x - SSH IC 10x - GM IC 10x - Windmills IC 10x - IW IC 10x - KDK IC The Thang: [Read More]

Gloom Despair Agony

14 pax. Banjo, CK, Callahan, Chanticleer, Denali, Earhart, Fluoride, Hermetic s, Lite Brite, Ollie, Riptide, Sputnik, Term Paper, missing one, Chop Block? 14 pax and no FNGs for the first morning of real gloom of the season. We huddle, MC, stay warm, MC, count down the minutes, MC, seconds tick by, MC, and we’re off. Head to the bank for 51 to SSH. Recover on the run to the municipal building parking lot for Imperial Walker, Willie Mays Hayes, mountain climber, calf stretches. [Read More]

FIA, Pain Tubes, and Donkey Kicks

This was my second Q at BO and I had regrets from my first. Namely, Sputnik taking a fall and breaking his wrist. To my surprise Sputnik was there this morning. Wonder if he know I had the Q. Anyway, I completed the disclaimer for 3 FNGs and told everyone to not get hurt and we were off! Warmup Jog to the downtown circle Side Straddle Hop 15 IC Good Mornings 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC FiA weekly challenge. [Read More]


Friday mornings are made for Danger Zone, the original Cary AO. 73 degrees, humid, slightly overcast. Nice crowd this morning which formed while I placed the cones on the soccer field. 24 dudes, inlcuding one FNG (more on that later), PigPen and his 2.0…7 year old Boom from Raleigh and Big Bird, Viking and Puck also from Raleigh. One current site Q and two old site Q’s on hand. Caught up PigPen and Boom at the Forge this week when I hung with Chinese Downhill, Half, BigBird, Viking and Puck…promoted CarPex (however not like Hello Kitty and Shut In) and they made the trip to DZ. [Read More]

Variety is the Spice of Life

4 (3 runners and a rucker) showed up at BO for the #meowmile. We picked up 3 more at the halfway point where Hello Kitty subjected us all to HIS 55 fantasy football penalty merkins on the way back. Wait, did I just type that? Merkins are a bonus, a pleasure, a treasure, dare I say a gift from God. After the completion of the #meowmile, we gathered up at the flag for the traditional “swapping of the shirts” for #TTT [Read More]

Q That Will Live in Infamy

YHC tweeted last night that this would be a Q that will live in infamy. It would prove a portent of things to come. For, in a cosmic coincidence of epic proportions, both site Qs actually showed up at Danger Zone. I mean, when was the last time that happened? Has it ever happened? Did they recognize each other? Also, Sputnik posted for the first time since Chanticleer broke his wrist at BO. [Read More]

Might need a disclaimer before the backwards Billy Run....

So this was my 3rd F3 workout in 24 hrs and I was feeling a little tired but looking forward to Qing probably my favorite workout location. There are so many options and there is even a parking deck! WARM UP: SSH, Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, and Merkins. We added some high knees, butt kicks, and Frankenstein walks on the way to the Page Walker House. DORA 123: Partner up and then 100/200/300 – Box Jumps/Australian Pullups/LBCs while the other partner takes a lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

"Hey Cally, did you see that rainbow?" (x 12)

Beautiful morning for a workout, eh? Six men showed up for a quick 2.25 mile EC run around parts of Cary I’ve never seen before. Back at the parking lot with plenty of time, the rest of the PAX started pouring in one after the other. All in all, a total of 25 men showed up in the gloom to push themselves and their brothers to put in some hard work. [Read More]

This also happened today in CarPex

So, a new AO - Bounty Hunters - debuted today somewhere north of Atlanta. I heard it’s about a 4-hour drive, so I was pretty shocked to see that 32 PAX made it all the way down there for the christening. Good on ya. Meanwhile, in downtown Cary, 12 PAX milled around the normal starting spot wondering where on earth the B.O. shovelflag was. Oh, the other site Q has it. [Read More]