The 4th F is for Flexibility

Was happy to bring a little yoga to Claymore, excited that everyone was up for it, and ecstatic that all agreed to the NO mumble chatter request. For what it is worth, please consider stretching more or incorporating yoga into your routine. Your body will thank you fo it. **The Thang **Mountain pose Wide feet forward hamstring stretch w/ Torso twist Split leg forward hamstring stretch Standing side stretch Sun Salutations [Read More]

Two Bricks in Hand is better than One in the ... nvm

When Frisco asked me to Q Claymore, I was more than happy to oblige him. We settled on a date until we didn’t. In typical Frisco fashion, he had already promised the agreed upon date to another PAX. So YHC happily shifted to the right on the calendar and here we were. On a lovely 62 degree morning, Annie Jones Park was our oyster. Twelve gathered for the Pledge of Allegiance where in the shadow of Old Glory sat a yard cart full of landscape bricks YHC pulled from his garage that morning. [Read More]

Lucky 7's? No Triple 7's with NO running

8 pax with no FNGs, brief disclaimer shared, only 1 pax actually read the pre-blast; “Ponder this question before tomorrow.. What is something you have done in the last 1 to 5 years that has changed your life to the positive? The answer cannot be F3 or praying, unless that was the catalyst.” Since the Skipper did not bless us with his presence, we’ll mosey up to tennis court parking area: [Read More]

7 of Diamonds on the Diamond

It’s always nice to feel like your making a difference in your community. As I was doing a virtual scout on Annie L. Jones Park I did as I always do when preparing for a Q and I open up the Exicon to see what may lend itself to we’re to work it. As I was researching I was pleasantly surprised to see an exercise I had submitted to the Exicon a few months back was now officially received into the Exicon! [Read More]

Start Late, Finish Early

4am. 10 month old is up and Daddy Dooty begins. Roughly 510, YHC sneeks out of nursery, dresses and hits the door in hopes to make the 520 pre run. As I come flying in, I see an empty parking lot. Luckily, Denali arrives a few min later and we take off on a leisurely stroll through Cary’s finest back roads. 542, we both realize we are going to be late getting back. [Read More]

Leading From The 6

So I’ll write my normal Frisco style HIDA BB below but after seeing Half do something at the office today I decided to put some HIM stuff first. As Half was walking down the hall he noticed a hair on the ground behind him and quickly ran back to check to see if it was one of his (it wasn’t). Still he picked it up and dropped it in a small golden case he carries. [Read More]

Disco Duck was the Q

Thanks to Term Paper for swapping Q’s with me this week, I’ve been looking forward to leading a downtown Cary workout in the morning for a change. Another beautiful morning in downtown Cary, three PAX (Chipper, Lite-Brite, Yoga Mat) for the Meow Mile EC run, zero PAX drinking EC milk, lots of guys in orange shirts. Thanks to Burt for bringing a bag of extra orange shirts #OrangeForDarth Some of the PAX noticed a TV news crew at the corner of Academy and Chatham, so let’s head that way. [Read More]

BO BRR & Bruisers

5 for Meow Mile 5 for Bruisers led by Disco Duck and WWW after he went back home to get his shoes. 15 for some BRR prep. 1-minute warning, Attn Pax: Disco and WWW are leading a no-run injured reserve option at 5:45, YHC is leading the BO workout that will include a bit of running. You need to make a decision right now. The Thang: Follow me - run down Walker, left on Walnut, stop in at the church parking lot for some Good Mornings, HillBillies and some Merkins. [Read More]

The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. [Read More]

37 is the new 47

It was a hot June night in the year of our Lord 1981. Judy and Ralph (his friends call him Dice) Jodice welcomed their first born son (of 3) into this world. The heavens shook and the Devil pooped his pants, for life as we knew it would never be the same again. 37 years later and YHC drives a small(ish) SUV, has 2 kids, a wife, an IRA and a 529 account for his children. [Read More]