The Hill is alive with the sound of Merkins (and pull-ups)

So a few take-aways from my VQ at Tortoises. Be prepared to be alone when you offer a EC 3 mile run when both @Earhart and @DiscoDuck are not there. Remembering the proper commands is harder than it looks. Sorry fellas, next time I will remember the “Recover” command. Carrying a cheat sheet with you sounds like a good idea, until you try to read it in the dark while in the process of doing an exercise. [Read More]

Dora 2-2-2

First day of Spring and the weatherman is calling for snow, I arrive a few minutes early to check the parking lot and make sure it’s safe, it’s wet but 37 degrees, so we’re all set. Warm-Up Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios and burpees. The Thang Everybody grab a cinder block and partner up for Dora 2-2-2, 200 curls, 200 overhead presses, 200 squats while your partner carries his coupon to the light pole and back. [Read More]

Burpees around the world with bear crawls in between!

Woke up not expecting 46° after all the previous warm weather. Although, it was a beautiful morning to work the body, mind, and spirit. YHC/QIC did not write down what the workout regimen was going to be but he did have an idea that he contemplated over several days leading up to his Q… the goal was to put the HIMs to the test and to keep everyone as a group (so to speak). [Read More]

It's like 11's but with harder math

It was a beautiful morning at Sovereign Grace Church. The pre-beatdown discussion included questions about appropriate attire for the weather. Shorts or long pants? T-shirts or long sleeves? Turns out the conditions were perfect no matter how we dressed. Let’s get after it! Warm-Up Mosey around the front parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios forwards and backwards, and burpees. It’s Tortoises and I’m the Q, you know you’re getting burpees. [Read More]

Ring of Testudines Fire

Pax of 5 gathered on chilly 23 degree morn. No FNGs Warm Up Parking lot lap SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Merkins, Plank jacks, MC x 10 squat ladder pausing on 5’s The Thang 4 corners Captain Thor 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 BBSUs 2 to ratio Hammers Alternate bear crawl and mozy between corners Repeato with Jack Webbs 5-man rotation 4 PAX exercise, one runs a lap, then rotate exercises and perform OYO [Read More]

The Darby Project

Date: 01/10/18 QIC: Darby [South Wake] Site: Tortoises PAX: Yogi, Ascot, Theisman, M4L, Banjo, Crimson, Pickles, CK, AirHeart, Dog Pound, Sooey, Disco Duck, WWW, Draper, Spartan, R2D2, Ugga, Cherry Garcia, DeadBolt, Darby For our Wednesday version of the CarPex/Southwake Q-swap, we “limited” our running to Shuttle Sprints and Agility work. We started on cones and ladder drills, moving into shuttle sprints. In between each group of 5 shuttles, we did merkins, flutterkicks, WWIIs, Burpees, mountain climbers, and something Theisman called. [Read More]

Back to Back 03 Jan 2018

15 degrees could not keep 13 HIMS from donning their tights for another weight intensive Tortoise workout. After much tutelage by Hermes YHC was prepared and eager to Q my first. With a limited knowledge of the Lexicon and the Exicon the morning ensued with a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Warm-up 40 high knee walking pace 40 high knee with a twist walking pace 40 Imperial Walkers 10 Johnny Roscoes 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (left foot) 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (right foot) [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

Coupon Crushing Turtle Power

Limited running but lots of muscle flexing, cinder block crushing, turtle power. It was like Tortoise heaven this morning for three regular PAX and one FNG, now known as “Artful.” Warm-up: 20 x SSH; 20 x plank jacks; 20 x mountain climbers; 20 merkins Thang 1: Each man grabbed a cinder block to one end of the parking lot. We divided into two groups with each group responsible for 80 erkins on the block, 100 curls, and 120 rock rows. [Read More]

Station to Station, 90 feet at a time

Tortoises is supposed to be a “limited run” AO. So be it. But have you ever seen a really motivated tortoise move very quickly, for just a short distance. No? Shut up. Yes you have. Tortoises move quickly quickly in small defined spaces. That is what we do TODAY. With a little baseball theme. 9 PAX took the challenge on this gloomy morning. Warm Up SSH (Nature Boy-style if you dare) Cotton pickers Sir Fazio arm circly things HillBillies Pre Thang [Read More]