Flacco's Shock & Awe!

DATE: September 27, 2018 QIC: Sabre AO: Bradford’s Ordinary PAX: (including Bruisers) 29 total gathered in Gloom of DTC (23 boot camp, 6 Bruisers, including a 1-legged Kitty, or is it Das Boot?!) 8 respects , 6 hates, 0 FNGs So I learned what “shock & awe” pre-blast means to Flacco – it means that he is going to hype an epic beatdown, then scoot out-of-state, give the ole neighbor a call to say …. [Read More]

Route 101

Pre-Blast 19 HIM gathered at the premier CarPex AO that meets at MD Park on Tuesdays to do some work. And so we did. Hermès was there. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run the pylons, mixed run around he circle four times. Circle up. 5 Good Mornings 10 Windmills 10 Cotton Pickers 101 SSH 101 Merkins (completed on the way to the bridge) Run to the bridge The Thang [Read More]

Crossing the Busy Road Twice

YHC always try and start his BB listing the number of Pax. It seems the past few Qs that’s been a feat of its own. We had 21 when we left the flag. We had 20 when we got back and we had 21 again when we got to our cars. Let the Q explain (and tell ya what we did!) 0530: Intro and Disclaimer (there was an applause of sorts even. [Read More]

Serendipitous Kettlebells

When: September 13, 2018 QIC: Pickles PAX: Billy, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Sparky, WWW YHC asked Disco Duck at Tortoises on Wednesday about IR workout options for Thursday. Paraphrasing, his response was essentially “Freed to Lead, brother.” All righty then. Let’s see what sort of IR side dish can be cooked up to go along with Red Ryder’s BO beatdown. Note: you can read all about that part of the workout, including COT here. [Read More]

You're So Extra

YHC comes tearing in to the parking lot at Waldo Street in DTC @0540…there is a large crowd gathered nearby. Larger than normal. What ever shall we do? Sabre has an FNG in tow, so YHC gives a quick disclaimer. This is gonna be fun. Warm Up First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance Calf stretch Mosey to the big circle to show off for early commuters Lots of mumblechatter SSHs x 50 Less mumblechatter Cotton pickers, Hill Billies, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up, maybe something else YHC forgot Extended warm up with Jack Webb - counted up to 10 merkins/40 air presses Did I say 10 burpees? [Read More]

Tutu's in Cary

When: September 6th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Burt, Coney, Shank, Term Paper, Ninjago, Red Lobster, Chipper, Red Ryder, Loom, Lite Brite, Angry Elf, Joe Smith, Macho Man, Wonk, Sparky, Yoga Mat, Speed Racer, Wallaby, YHC: Earhart 18 HIM gather for a rare, EarharT Q in Downtown Cary. I personally love the AO, just hard to post when BH is 3 minutes from my house. Anywho, clock strikes 5:45 and it is time to get going. [Read More]

10 Rounds with Rocky Balboa

Pre-Blast 19 HIM entered the ring to go 10 rounds with Rocky Balboa. West CARY was well represented. The FWD shovel flag was not well represented. The BO flag was, though. Amirite Kitty?! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the shopping center. Circle up behind the stores for: Good Morning, Windmills, Merkins, Sir Fazio AC The Thang Run back to the park, weave the pylons, grab a traveling rock. [Read More]

BO BRR & Bruisers

5 for Meow Mile 5 for Bruisers led by Disco Duck and WWW after he went back home to get his shoes. 15 for some BRR prep. 1-minute warning, Attn Pax: Disco and WWW are leading a no-run injured reserve option at 5:45, YHC is leading the BO workout that will include a bit of running. You need to make a decision right now. The Thang: Follow me - run down Walker, left on Walnut, stop in at the church parking lot for some Good Mornings, HillBillies and some Merkins. [Read More]

The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. [Read More]