Calculated Risks

In the summer of 1993, YHC and his M had just graduated with our respective Bachelor’s degrees from The Dub (UNCW). My dad was a building contractor with a small crew of 2 men, and had just signed a contract to build a house. I was in need of gainful employment over the summer before starting grad school at UNC. So the M and I spent 12 somewhat awkward weeks in the summer of ‘93 living with my parents and spending some weekends at our freshly rented apartment in Chapel Hill. [Read More]

Day 1: The Frisco "Week of Terror(ible) Qs" Kicks Off

So when Red Ryder begged me to Q the Lion’s Den Q I agreed (since I technically owe him a favor for helping me build a gazebo for my M). Then I noticed that there was a free spot open every day of the week. It wasn’t my anniversary and I wasn’t sure I could do it (still am not), but for some reason I found myself filling my name into those open slots. [Read More]

Paging Trike...paging Mr. Trike...

Day 3 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs. Day 1 was terrorible when my ex-friend, WWW, traveled back in time and stole (what was to be) my signature workout and used it at A-Team. When I tried to explain it to the PAX using posters and drawings all I got was rolling eyes. (Who knew Shut-In kept glass eyes in his pocket…) Day 2 was just as bad because after I executed my NEW workout my new nemesis, WWW, went back in time again and made me fat. [Read More]

Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix. A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center. [Read More]

Invigorating young men

A few days ago on ye ol’ Slack, YHC saw a cry for help across the chatter-sphere. A stomach bug of some sort was taking out the Slappy family and the FMJ Q was up for grabs. Sensing a distinct gap in my koozie inventory, YHC jumped in. As many of you know, Tuesdays are an infrequent post for me so while the kids are out of school and camp-less, might as well take advantage! [Read More]

Eyes Up

I’m gonna be honest with you. Many Saturdays I take the opportunity to get a little extra sleep. This was a good workout week, which also means that the body is feeling a little sore by the time today rolled around. But, the opportunity to Q Phoenix was too much to pass up. So I managed to unfold myself from the fartsack and make it to Bond Park in plenty of time to get some stretching in. [Read More]

Solving a Problem You Didn't Know Existed

F3 is a funny damn thing. Funny, in that most of us end up doing things that, a few weeks prior to our V-post, we’d have sworn we’d never do. Not that we couldn’t do, but just wouldn’t. Therein lies the truth in Sadclown syndrome. It’s a real thing, but by the time you discover the truth of it, you should be well on the way to a cure. When I look at the PAX names this morning, I see that several have only been posting for a few short weeks. [Read More]

Sally Showed Up

My first Q at Lion’s Den and boy am I excited. I’ve got my winkie all set and I’ve researched the area on Google Maps. It’s another hot and muggy morning but with the Shovel Flag planted by Sour Mash we are ready to begin. Disclaimer, no FNGs, Pledge of Allegiance. Set out on a mosey and Site Q tells me we must be quiet as we travel to and use the local park as the townhouse residence across the street claim this park as their own and is part of their HOA. [Read More]

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...

17 PAX loaded up on the bus and came out to Olive Chapel Elementary to kick off the hard launch of the new Apex AO “Hot For Teacher”. YHC had the Q. Tunes were rockin’ and the two co-site-Q’s long hair was flowing in the breeze. It almost looked natural on Cataracts….almost. 0530 – Typical F3 spiel. Modify as necessary. And seriously - don’t sue us..we only own a beatup Ford Econoline van with no A/C and 400K miles, our knockoff Stratocaster electric guitars and a busted amp that doesnt even go up to “11”. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]