Who ordered the vanilla cone?

As one of the site Q’s of this AO and a huge kettlebell advocate for working out, I took my time in coming up with a somewhat complex workout for today. Mumblechatter was high today as the Pax were trying to learn many new exercises introduced for the first time today. Let’s get started! Warm-up- Mosey around the pickle and circle up for some extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH’s, seal claps, and calf stretches. [Read More]

Go outside and warm-up...

… at least that’s the joke around our house lately. Our downstairs furnace hasn’t worked in almost two weeks, as some of you have heard me ‘vent’. The first replacement part didn’t arrive for a week, then they installed it wrong and it failed within a few hours. Now we’re waiting for a replacement for the part and the installer! I’m trying to be nice, but the M lost patience long ago. [Read More]

A Squatty Party

15 HIM of which 18 were Steve’s ( SixteenSteves + Ryder + Cataracts) were ready to move and warm-up. YHC has been dealing with some shoulder problems and needed to keep this Q below the pits. Having primed the Pax with the upcoming “Leg Day” pre-blast I needed to deliver. Ryder called it a traveling warm-up, I called it “keep yo ass moving” as we lapped a quick run out of the parking lot and around just to get everyone moving. [Read More]

Thank you for your service....

It may seem like a a cliche that we have heard constantly since 9/11. Some think it’s overused, some people don’t even think twice about it, but to some, this thank you does have value. It has meaning. It is recognition of a young person’s decision to step up into the unknown, to see if they have what it takes to serve in the armed forces. There are many sacrafices made by our young men and woman that have made the decisions to step up and serve. [Read More]

49 Feeling Fine

The scheduled Q, Sooey led with Disclaimer and Pledge. He then explained that YHC reached out 2 weeks back indicating a BDAY and requesting the Q. The gift was given. Follow me: mozy parking lot near baseball fields Warmup: 4 Good Mornings 9 Prisoner Squats 49 side straddle hops At the Baseball fields: 9 of Diamonds (9/18/27/36) consisting of merkins, lbcs, starjumps, homer to marge Partner up for suicides. Partner 1 balls to the wall. [Read More]


The most fun I have other than Q’ing / leading men through workouts is scouring the exicon for workouts. This particular preparation was fun to develop. As I was trying to figure out what to put together, it dawned on me. The HIMs needs some HFT EDUCATION. The exicon is full of great ideas but what is challenging is making the final selection. As I read through the definition of the exercises to make sense of what the definition is, some are not easy to imagine. [Read More]

Lots O' Partner Work

With Peeping Tom Qing his farewell workout at SWW and Riptide offering “brownies” at Dazed and Confused YHC was surprised anyone other than the site-Q showed on such a morning. But that’s the glory of this group. HIMs come out to not only further their 1stf but to encourage the men who step up to lead them. Encouragement was certainly a well used tool during this workout as 9 pax push their limits for 45 minutes. [Read More]

Just Breathe

So what did Faith Hill have to do with the workout? Nothing. But she sure is easy on the eyes. Oh and she put out an album exactly 20 years ago titled Breathe which was a reoccuring theme in the workout. 10 pax were at the flag ready to roll at 0530 so we got after it. A quick disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance and off we went. Warm-up: Mosey out to Town Side then head toward Apex BBQ Rd, left on that road until at the back entrance of St. [Read More]

The Smell of Math in the Morning

18 posted (Banjo and Sub EC’d starting at 4:45) at the quietest F3 AO in all of Carpex. If it wasn’t for those noisy yoga ladies, we’d really have a nice time. But Sour Mash refuses to do his Site Q job and chase them away. . . Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - Modify as needed, we will not leave you behind, but we will reinvigorate your male leadership. Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

Broga, Some! Ring of Fire, Absolute Yes

Date: 10/9/19 AO: #ao-wed-lionsden PAX: Hermes, PBX, Ramsey, Puddles, Sour Mash, Snots, Red Ryder, Chicken Little, Hamm, Head Room, Qwerty, Smithers, Magoo, Biner, Roasters, Theismann, Pet Sounds, Imp, Rooney, Yahoo, WWW I’m nearing my Q goal for the year and that is to Q one AO time a week. I missed one week and that was because I was on my family vacation. I am at 45 of 52 Q for the year. [Read More]