3rd Annual Franklinaversary

On the last Monday in September in 2014, YHC was privileged to be an FNG at an A-Team workout. Today, YHC took the opportunity of his anniversary to repeat his inaugural F3 workout, this time as the Q, just as I did on the last Monday in September 2015 and 2016. Following the first time I participated in this workout (under the leadership of Denali), I couldn’t raise my arms above my head for 3 days and couldn’t walk properly for 6 days. [Read More]

'18 BRR Training

24 Pax including FNG Fortran and FNG 2.0s Puck and Ninjago. YHC agreed to take the Q to cover for Chef Tell, I also got a step closer to finishing the Carpex 2017 Q Challenge. It was a beautiful morning for an outdoor workout. The Warmup: Jog over to the other parking lot, circle up, SSHx30, GMx10, Merkinsx20, Plankjacks, 1-arm Merkins x 10 per arm, Hill Billies x 15. The Thang 1: Mosey over to the rock pile, get a partner and a medium rock. [Read More]

Shoulders for Days, and Some Running Too

This marks YHC’s second post at Bounty Hunters, excited to see the Q spot was open. My first post here was Franklin’s tour of downtown Apex. Today would be less informative and less pleasant. 17 PAX gathered in the gloom of the Apex Skate Park, no FNG’s, no site-Qs, so it was only appropriate that I planted the DZ flag, cause that’s how DZ rolls! Warmup - Jog to some random parking lot behind Apex Parks and Rec. [Read More]

Bears v. Crabs

Pre-BB YHC delayed his departure for a short business trip to make Wolverine’s Launch happen…but the BB had to take a back seat for a few days. Worth the wait, I hope. BB Thank you, Pete Russell, for Co-Qing this great, new AO with me…pumped to be working with you. Thanks to the 29 HIM who posted at Wolverine’s launch. And thanks to ALL of CarPex for the mumble chatter that kept the buzz about Wolverine alive. [Read More]

Back to School

BB 20 HIM joined YHC on a trip down memory lane–actually, it was down Hunter Street–to visit one of my favorite spots at BH. The gloom…the pull-up monkey bars…the long distance from the park…we’re talking about Baucom Elementary School’s back playground area. We journeyed there on one of my first posts at BH. Time to go back to (the) school. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the parking lot of Lee’s Tailor Shop…backwards run for fun on the way. [Read More]

Rock out with your ruck out

A confluence of circumstances conspired to germinate the 9/2 Phoenix workout, including: My observation that nobody had signed up to Q the day before The holiday weekend, with plenty of PAX expressing beach-bound intentions, making YHC think that the recent trend of impressive Phoenix numbers would experience a temporary reversal Rucking permanently on the brain, but more so as of late Hello Kitty’s expressed desire to do something other than run My seeking to justify to the M the purchase of yet another ruck My desire to fartsack until 0630 rather than pre-ruck at 0545. [Read More]

Play Like A Champion Today

When: 8/29/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries. Hell to grow old. YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day. [Read More]

1 Year of F3 Bliss

Rewind to 1 year back. YHC was a newish dad who had recently moved to Apex. Suddenly, my life looked very different than all that I had known. I found myself pouring so much into my family and our new home that I left little for my own personal growth and development. My physical fitness was suffering, my emotional health was suffering; and without a happy me, my family was suffering. [Read More]

8/24/17 Bear Shoulders

YHC was a little stiff from the long run Trifecta the day before, so 18 crepuscular PAX shouldered the weight of some shoulder work by bear crawling on the shoulder of the road at Bounty Hunters this morning! The warmup: Run around the ball field, circle up in the parking lot for some typical warm up stuff and some moderately random quantities. Made sure to include some Sir Fa(r)zio Arm Circles to get the shoulders warmed up. [Read More]

Tortoises Comes To A-Team

The plan this morning was to bring a Tortoises style workout to A-team. Limited running, unlimited pain. So we moseyed to the first parking lot at the front of the park and stayed there for the entire workout. Warm Up Little Man Jumping Jacks x 15 Jukebox x 15 (created by and named for my 2.0) Imperial Walker x 15 Cotton Pickers x 15 Thang 1 Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, merkins x 100, prisoner squats x 200, LBCs x 300, one partner runs the pickle while the other does the exercises. [Read More]