The Apex Town Hall and Community Center Blues

Winter returned Thursday morning, but it was not enough to keep eight stallions in the fartsack. Warm-Up Mosey over to the town hall parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, plank jacks, hillbillies and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey the long way over to the alley behind the community center and line up for BTTW Indian run. Everyone assumes the BTTW position, the man on the end gets to his feet and runs to the other end, assumes the BTTW position and yells GO to let the next man know it’s his turn to run. [Read More]

12 Days of Burpees

Warm-Up (read more about the real warm-up at the bottom) Hello Kitty leads the men down to the lower parking lot for Side Santa Hops, Cranberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Quick Feet and Curb Erkins. The Thang YHC takes over and leads the men through the Disco Kitty version of 12 Days of Christmas. Here’s the last verse. On the 12th day of Christmas my Q love gave to me [Read More]

Tiny Black pellets forever

Atmosphere: Damp and 40 degrees I noticed the gate open on the lacrosse field, so I immediately thought about revising my initial baseball field sprints, which could be sloppy (I know how you kids like it EXTRA schloppy). Long story short, the field turf is like a sponge and we enjoyed sitting in the soak to have some Mary. Although, we did get on the field, Smokey thought mid way through the post we might have a city worker shake us down. [Read More]

Perfect Form Burpee-cides

Apparently, all it takes to log some big numbers at an AO is to throw a gauntlet down on GroupMe…or the Twitters. But since I don’t tweet, or twit, someone must have helped spread the word. As I mentioned yesterday, one digital F3 communication format already overwhelms me. So, thanks ABB Kitty, Hi-Liter, Callahan, WKRP, and CI/6-pack/BurtLite/ChatEnforcer/Burt. That gentle buzz in my pocket that lets me know every three minutes that my job sucks relative to y’alls’ has become a welcome part of my day. [Read More]

Monday morning (super moon) lights

YHC had planned for a 45-minute DICE themed Q, because you know, my friends call me Dice. But, with the big reveal of the College Football Playoffs yesterday, YHC called an audible… OMAHA! As the Pax gathered in the gloom under the light of the Super Moon, YHC headed to the big field to plant the flag. YHC headed back to the Pax. Some mumble chatter under their belts the Pax were ready. [Read More]

I wanna rock...

Nov. 17, 2017 – Dante’s Peak Q 11/16/17-Preblast “We’re gonna rock this town. Bring yer kitten mittens.” (inserted gif of a Stray Cats album cover of some sort) No response from the pax. A few mediocre likes, one retweet. Meh. 11/16/17 2:15pm: Hotspot with a HC for a run in and out of DP. 11/16/17 2:32pm: Michelob with a SC…yeah, right Michelob. 11/16/17 2:34pm: PetSounds with an “outta town” spin class excuse. [Read More]

Try Not to Poop Yourself

As #RespectWeek winds down, there was one last Friday flurry of RESPECT Qs before the finale tomorrow at Phoenix. YHC had actually signed up for this Q before the concept began, so it was fate. And I knew I had to bring it, when I saw 22 pairs of eager eyes staring at me from the gloom - well, 21, ‘cause Freebird came in on 2 wheels as we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

The 1%

In past wars, the war effort was a national effort. The entire country got behind both world wars and in Vietnam, the draft touched families across this land in all economic groups. For the war or against the war, the war effort was front and center at family dinner tables coast to coast. That was then. For my time in the military, the 80’s, who knew that was relative “peace time” for the American military. [Read More]

Almost respectable...

… at least working hard to become so. YHC was proud to be counted among the sixteen PAX who braved the gloom to post at Wolverine today. Thanks to the end of daylight saving time, we could see each other reasonably well. I must say, the PAX were looking quite spiffy in the early morning light. (Strike that as awkward :) Warmed-up in the parking lot by painting a few lines, then: [Read More]

Michelob and Hotspot 3 year Postaversary

This year a lot was different from that Monday morning three years ago, when Hotspot and Michelob first posted to F3 and A-team. YHC doesn’t remember the temp, but you can be sure it wasn’t 36 degrees cold! Back then there was only one Monday AO in what was to be known as Carpex. This fine morning in 2017, the only two members of that PAX from three years ago were your site Q’s and your Q’s for the day. [Read More]