Dumpster Diving - F3 style

15 PAX with no FNGs. Disclaimer given regardless, although the pre-workout mumble chatter was in full force Mozy to the middle school and circle up after I recover music set up from strategic location SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Fazios, overhead claps, reverse Fazios x 12 Yogurkins x10 with a low plank hold on the last one (exercise performed with a 10 count) Thang 1 Dumpster Dive 20 each Diamond-merkins, Imperial-walkers, V-ups, Elbows-to-knees [Read More]

#mccantsweek - Day 6 - BLAZE OF GLORY

If you don’t have Bon Jovi playing right this minute. Stop reading. Queue it up. Crank it up. Crack one. I woke up this morning and I raised my weary head. I’m a devil on the run. Thrown out of school for bringing a six pack and two guns. Well they tell me I’m wanted, yeah, I’m a wanted. And when I’m shot down, I’ll be shot down in a MF blaze of glory. [Read More]

The Village(s of Apex)

Note: Orphan and Garfield were the co-Q’s for this workout, YHC is just posting the backblast for them. Goal M. Night Shyamalan directed a sleeper movie in 2004 called “The Village.” It was about a group of people who started a new society in the woods, intentionally shunning modern technology to be sheltered from current times. They were escaping the mistakes of their past to start anew, but there was no escaping the pure adrenaline caused from this little jaunt, tour, and beatdown around a neighborhood in Apex. [Read More]


Pre-Blast - 16 HIMs we’re reminded how valuable and necessary it is to be self-motivated. Every man’s contribution of enthusiasm and effort compound together to build the incredible culture we share. - Todays theme: Show up ready to give your best and inspire the next man to give his best as well. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run one, and only one, lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

Back to school

YHC picked up the Q for July the 5th as a replacement for missing my birthday Q a few weeks back due to IR. I did not account for the post 4th of July hangover being fully present. Never mind, great way to start the morning. Expecting a light crowd, pleasantly surprised to see 12 other HIMs show up (14 total counting YHC and of course my side kick). At 5:45 sharp, we did a warm up jog around the short loop back to the skate park for warm up. [Read More]

Welcome Back

YHC had planned out a nice little kettle bell workout for the Hell’s Bell PAX, but that plan was contingent on having enough kettle bells to go around. Looking around at 0529 it was clear we had just the right number of PAX, but less than the right number of kettle bells, so the original plan was scrapped and a new plan was hatched on the fly. Let’s get after it! [Read More]

The Ultimate Workout

A few weeks ago YHC and WWW traveled north to the The Farm to help celebrate Spit Valve’s Q Week. The first half was a typical, well executed and thorough beatdown, but the second half was something new for us. It was a game of Ultimate Frisbee, with penalties doled out whenever the frisbee reached the end zone or touched the ground. It was thrilling and on our drive back we agreed we definitely had to bring it back to Carpex. [Read More]

What's that smell?

AO: Full Metal Jacket QIC: Pickles Twelve PAX were assembled in the soupy pre-dawn gloom, and ready to go for YHC’s first ever FMJ Q. Gather at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance and we’re off on a nice easy mosey. A couple of cars came rolling in as we pulled away – someone’s tardy, and we’ll all have to pay. Circle up at the first drive way for… WHOAH! [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]

Guns out for Summer

So pumped to have pull up bars at DP! Best Friday AO Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 25x SSH 15x Peter Parkers 20x merkins Mozy long way to pond Stop along the way for pulsing squats for 6 and short loop back for 6 The Thang: 3 groups of 5 for 5 rounds (maybe) P1, Rock curls P2, run from rocks to pull up bars, P3, pulls up to failure P4, spot P3 for extra pullups P5, run from Pull ups to Rocks Plank hold at top of Pickle for doublesided Shakiras 10IC The Thang Duo: Mozy to to bridge CrawlBear by request from Hotspot! [Read More]