Birthday B.O.M.B.S

I"m always leery of the use of the aforementioned especially when on a public school campus in light of where we are as a society. In the case of today, the subject gave reason for concern for all within the immediate proximity but not need to worry about one’s personal safety. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance Warmup The magic number of the day is 42 and we did so for Side Straddle Hop, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, Crunch Frog and Merkins. [Read More]

Ode to Smaug

As a fan of the Lord of the Ring and Hobbit series I just had to run with this when I found it. The Pax showed up strong this morning including a FNG (kinda) Shut In, Parker and YHC got some ECP in early to get the blood flowing. When the bell rang this is how it went down. Disclaimer (because he wanted to be a FNG but really wasn’t. In truth I was a little confused so he got the disclaimer) [Read More]

11 x 2 = 22

Second Q ever for YHC was to the point with some room for improvement. Cadence counts are getting better and everyone had fun… I think. It was quiet, not much in the way of mumble chatter for this beatdown. Thanks to the 18 that showed for the track work and 22’s. It was a beatdown and according to GTL possibly a new record for distance with the 3.5 miles we racked up. [Read More]

The Numbers Are Bad

My last Q at BH was not a themed Q… so it’s time to rectify that. A peek at the date pointed me in a singular direction. Add in the chance to do a little Strava artwork, and you got yourself a workout. FNG Check - none - Disclaimer - LET’S GO Mosey down to Town Hall for our first bit of artwork. In a large figure-8 around and through the complex, let’s stop in the center twice for: [Read More]

The BEST Stretch

Pre-Blast 23 HIM converged at FMJ for some work. 9 for IR Bruisers. Burbeez are the BEST stretch. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run around the school, paint the lines. Circle up for: 50 Burbeez. Run to Hill #1, discover the Pain Stix. The Thang****s 7s on the hill - Worst Burbee Evers at the top (a Burbee with a Pain Stick Military Press) and Pain Stick V-Ups at the bottom. [Read More]

Hello Deer

YHC showed up to Apex Nature Park early for some EC pull-ups. A little too early, because the gate at the Hell’s Bell entrance to the park was not yet opened. So I parked in the other lot and made my way across the park, kettle bell in hand. As I approached the pull-up bars I noticed three deer, looked like a doe and a couple of fawns. We stared at each other for a moment, then they ran off. [Read More]

Brotherhood of Stone

Pre-warm up: Some of the HIMs gathered by the pull-up bars for some extra credit sets; good job! Warm-up: Good mornings, Hillbillys, and to everyone’s surprise, LBCs (good for later). There was a lot of mumble-chatter at this point and spirits were high. Everyone grabbed a cinder block or a couple of concrete cylinders and we moseyed with them to the lower hill for Thang 1. Thang 1: American Hammers with Coupons on top and Berkins (Block Merkins) on the bottom for 11s with block carrying sprints in between. [Read More]

Billy Run The Back Way

Gotta be honest, YHC was a little nervous headed into this morning’s workout. I’ve Q’ed a million times, but this was my first hour long solo Q. Could I handle the extra fifteen minutes? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Face the Flag for the Pledge, then take a lap around the parking lot before circling up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and burpees. The Thang Mosey out to the park entrance and travel along High House Road to the other entrance, stopping at each light pole for ten merkins, then continue down Bond Park Drive to the Lazy Days Playground, stopping at every other light pole for ten squats. [Read More]

Back to the Future

23 HIMs braved the sticky gloom to re-discover what makes Dante’s Peak the PREMIER site on Fridays in Apex. No new stuff, all vanilla. Just pretend those turf fields aren’t even there. 21 HIMs pledged allegiance and off we go. Warm Up 5 Burpees OYO SSHs Trike shows up at 5:46, so 5 burpees OYO Cotton pickers Beetle rolls in at 5:47, so 5 burpees OYO Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Hill Billies Mosey to the top of the hill, wake up Monkey Nut’s neighbors with 5 squats. [Read More]

No Themes - Let's Go To Work

No Themes - Let’s Go To Work With all of the themed workouts going on lately, YHC wanted to get back to basics. PAX circled around the flag for a Pledge of Allegiance. The PAX were then directed to look up at the cross on top of the Sovereign Grace Church. This vantage point is humbling and serves as a reminder to the price Christ paid for us. We are truly blessed to be able to do what we do. [Read More]