Classic TV Land

I may have shared this before (probably with Cally for a The Muggo bit) so pardon the repetition. When I came to the US at seven years old, I knew somewhere between one and four words of English and my parents were only moderately more fluent. Lucky for me, this is a great country with great people, great teachers and great institutions of learning. And even greater television. I am pretty sure between the fall of 1983 and the summer of 1985, I watched 2,148 hours of television. [Read More]

Last one at 40!

YHC had originally signed Two Factor up to Q this morning, but he was still recovering from his back hurting so it was only appropriate for YHC to lead. Today was my last F3 workout in my 40s since my birthday is right around the corner. Without a great plan in mind for today, it worked out pretty well. Everyone seemed to get their money’s worth! Gather at the flag, disclaimer for the FNG, quick pledge, and off we go! [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]

100' from the pool and still drenched

The NC summer is officially here. How does one know? When you’re driving to an AO at 4:43 AM and your wipers are going but it’s not actually raining… it’s humid. And hot. And it was both of those today. [Editor’s note: as I was working on this BB, YHC noted that Cauliflower posted an eerily similar BB at the same time. You can read his masterpiece here:] EC: Called an EC run. [Read More]

Beat, but worth it.

Not sure if anyone reads the backblast any longer, but it is important to document what went down this morning at Dazed and Confused at Apex Community Park. YHC and Crimson arrived around 5:24 and found a light crowd. Hanson, Mohawk, and Revere came in from a jog around the lake and we found Bubba and then Kiwk Stop. With about 90 seconds to spare, Two Factor arrives from him OYO EC run. [Read More]

Sound the ALARMs

6 pax made it out to Rush Hour, the finest place to be on any given Tuesday evening. YHC made it out a little early to scout out a couple of obscure places. So as the start closed in, everyone had gathered to do a little stretching, as Press On got in some pullups. Once 6:00 hit, a disclaimer was given, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and we were off! [Read More]

Lion of Fallujah - Memorial Day Workout

Memorial Day 2020 - Normally there is a convergence in F3 Carpex but not this year thanks to COVID-19. Multiple workouts were held and @Theismann put out a call that all AO’s be Q’d by a Vet. That was a good idea and very appropriate. YHC started thinking about what hero would be honored. The quick and obvious choices were my FIL or his West Point classmate Nick Rowe (Five Years to Freedom - His story of being a Vietnam POW). [Read More]

I couldn't think of a good title

YHC signed up to Q this morning to ensure accountability to show up after a few days of solid fartsacking. After a fiasco of finding parking, YHC ran up to where the flag should have been at 5:44. After a quick pledge, we split the strong group of 16 between YHC and Earhart. This is what the Sooey Crew accomplished. Warm up SSH GM Windmill Imperial Merkins OYO Calf stretch Jog around to front entrance stopping for some squats [Read More]

Burpees for Days

11 PAX joined YHC at Bond Park this morning for a great start to the weekend. It is good to see things returning to somewhat normal slowly after the last few weeks of staying home. YHC signed up to Q for accountability. If your name is on the Q sheet, theres a very high likelihood you will make it to the work out. After several weeks ‘off’ it is good to make sure you get up when the alarm goes off. [Read More]


YHC and Largemouth for 5.2 miles at a conversational 7:30 pace. Don’t worry everybody, we figured it all out. Franklin, Badlands & Sooey for a crowd control 5 mile run of their own. 8 socially-distant PAX set out for a traveling warm-up **Warm-UP **Moseying from the flag to the baseball field parking lot we stopped along the way for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earles, SSH, and Mnt. Climbers. **Thang One [Read More]